Great Men Who Never Became Great (Part 1)

According the Bible in Genesis 49:3, Reuben was the first and eldest son of Jacob.
The story of Reuben can be illustrated as a son who lost control of his emotions and slept with his father's wife. He had sexual activity with Bilhah, Rachel's maid; since his father had also done the same with Bilhah, leading to the birth of Reuben's half-brothers Dan and Naphtali, this is characterised as incest in classical rabbinical sources. On his deathbed, Jacob declares that Reuben "will no longer excel, for you went up onto your father's bed, onto my couch and defiled it".

Reuben's behaviour angered Jacob to the extent that he gave Reuben's birthright (as firstborn) to Joseph.

An old adage states, " Never bite the fingers that feed you." Basically this means treat others well, especially those who are in a position of power and who are looking after your well being!

Reuben betrayed his father by sleeping with Bilhah and paid for the disobedience.

As Christians we should have self-control.

Paul wanted the brethren at Rome, and also every Christian, to understand the importance of self-control so he again stated its importance in the words of Romans 8:13.  "For if you live according to the flesh you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live." Self-control is that ability to discipline or control our life under Jesus Christ as Lord. Self-control is gained through prayer, knowledge and an exercise of the Christian faith. Christians must develop the wisdom to discern between good and evil and the strength to choose to do right.

The very concept of "self-control" implies a battle between a divided self. It implies that our "self" produces desires we should not satisfy but instead "control." We should "deny ourselves" and "take up our cross daily," Jesus says, and follow him (Luke 9:23). Daily our "self" produces desires that should be "denied" or "controlled."

We get a taste of what is involved from Matthew 5:29, "If your right eye makes you stumble, tear it out and throw it from you."

Do not be afraid Readers, with God we can do all things. Look forward to the next Man in Part 2.

Let Jesus Christ be praised. Cheers!


  1. Excellent commentary on a complex portion of scripture. The modern day application is also very helpful. Thank you.


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