Henry J. Heinz (1844-1919)

"To do a common thing uncommonly well brings success." - Founder Henry John Heinz

Henry John Heinz (October 11, 1844 – May 14, 1919) was an American businessman of German descent who founded the H. J. Heinz Company. Heinz Field, which is the home of the Pittsburgh Steelers NFL team, is named in his honor.

Later in life he went to London with a case filled with his products and the biggest shops there did a contract with him to supply them indefinitely. He was now as famous in Europe as he was in the US.

During the recession his business failed and he was declared bankrupt. But he prayed and he started again ‘from scratch’ paying all his debts. This second beginning became the road for his greater success. He opened more factories. He bought acres of land to produce his own fresh vegetables.

H J Heinz was one of the first American companies to introduce staff welfare facilities. He insisted that each of his factories should have dining, locker and dressing rooms for the staff. Each factory had a gym and a swimming pool for the staff. He provided beautiful uniforms to all his workers who had free hospital and dental treatments, free life insurance and further education facilities. There were hair and nail dressing saloons in each factory for the benefit of his female workers. The result was that very few workers resigned their jobs at Heinz and did their best to make great profits. He was one of the most loved millionaires ever.

He was a smallish man with a big moustache. Very active, he did not like to seat for too long in his office. He was a man who loved God and the people. He was always ready to teach others from the Bible or on any other subject. He invented many recipes. He insisted that all his factories should be very clean. All his selling methods were straight and fair. His products were so good that he did not have competition. At the time of his death his company had 6523 employees, 26 factories, 227 offices and 100,000acres of farmland.

But his real life passion was to serve the Lord Jesus Christ. With his money he sponsored countless projects in the churches.

After Heinz died and the family opened his will, at the top of the page it was written:
‘I am looking forward to the time when my earthly career shall end. I desire to set forth, at the very beginning of this my Will, as the most important item in it, my confession of my faith in Jesus Christ as my Savior forever’

This year (2013) the richest man on earth Warren Buffet bought Heinz Company for $28 billion. Only God can give such an increase! You do not have to steal or to cheat to be wealthy. Just seek God with all your heart and money shall follow you! This is the promise of God!

“So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need’ (Mat 6:31-33)

‘Dear Heavenly Father, I give You thanks for the testimony of Your servant Henry J. Heinz who is now in heaven with You!’

Dear Child of God may the anointing of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Daniel…and Henry Heinz be your portion in the name of Jesus! May God bless the work of your hands! May you be rich in all things spiritual and natural! May the windows of heaven be open to you! May God grant that you have more than enough money, for your personal needs, for your family and for the church of Christ! Be a blessing! Be generous! Give all the glory to God!

By Silvia Leigh


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