Inspirational Story: Woman Born Without Arms Becomes Pilot

Jessica Cox was born without arms as a result of a rare birth defect.

Despite this defect, it did not stopped her from living her life to the fullest. In fact, Ms Cox has experienced and achieved more than most people do in a lifetime.

With a courageous heart and determined spirit, she under went several trainings which paid off, she can successfully drive a car, fly a plane and play piano - all with her feet.

More so, she also found love, in 2012 she married Patrick, her former Taekwondo instructor (she has two black belts). They live in Tucson in the US state of Arizona.

Ms Cox, 30, travels around the world as a motivational speaker, using her own life as an example of what one can achieve if one wants it enough. It was gathered that she visits various European countries to help promote disability rights.

It can be assumed that as a little child, instead of her parents feeling sorry for themselves and their little girl, they were thankful to God and believed with God nothing is impossible. They groomed her to believe in herself, be a confident and determined woman.

Despite her disability, her parents called her special and made her feel likewise.

Often the good that comes out of a situation may not be readily apparent. We shouldn't expect God to turn every outward circumstance in our favor. Instead, God often works in situations to strengthen us inwardly by His Spirit and to mold us into the image of Christ.

No matter, the situation or circumstance you find yourself, it necessary that you look up to God and be thankful. "Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus".(1 Thessalonians 5:18). Many parents at the recovery of their child's deformity would have requested the child be killed at child birth or before child birth.

The problem with some people is they are too rational, so many believe the know what is best more than God does. How can one know more than the creator, who put the child in you? Who has adviced God?

Though God has given us free will but thanksgiving to God in whatever comes our way, shows trust in him. It is a vitally important spiritual weapon God has given us to maintain our spiritual wholeness – to maintain our joy and peace and confidence in Him.

Demonstrating to God often that we are thankful for what we have … rather than what we don’t have, or maybe have lost, can be the difference between motivating God to increase His blessings upon us, or withholding them.  It’s that critical of an issue, dear one.

A thankless person tends to be a "Why God?" person whereas a thankful person asks God what they can personally do to help stop the evil in some way in accordance with His will for their lives.

There's nothing wrong with wanting more (in many cases, anyway), but when a person refuses to count their blessings in what God has all ready given them, what motivates the King to want to give them much more?

God has the right to allow or cause whatever He chooses on this planet to happen, to whomever. What He chooses to allow may make absolutely no sense to us and others, and from our perspective, may cause us to be tempted to believe He is unloving, uncaring, and even downright cruel.  But no matter the situation keep having faith in God, God is love and he never ever fails. HE always has a plan.

Jessica REFUSE TO COMMIT SUICIDE, lets be reminded that CHRIST the King of Kings also passed through come pains too but he never gave up.Your circumstances in life will either destroy you or build you up depending on how you see them. But those who know their God will be strong and do exploits.

A good christian knows that everything happens for good for those who love God.

Lets learn from Daniel, Job and Abraham.



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