He Makes All Things Beautiful In Its Own Time

Sometimes the vision may be clear but the timing wrong. One fundamental fact of life on planet earth is that there is a time and season for everything that happens in the world.
A time to plant and a time to harvest.A time for sunlight and a time for raindrops as well as night time.

Time controls every aspect of human life. The Holy book in Ecclesiastics 3: 1-8 states : To every (thing there is) a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.

Moreover,  as a result of frustration we hear people say; 'I have waited for too long for a change yet nothing has happened'. 'I am tired of waiting for Gods time'. Will God ever answer this prayer?. 

There are certain times in life we pray hard and get so desperate but no matter how hard we push, it ain't working out.

Be comforted Beloved! The word of God tells us in Ecclesiastes 3:11 that God made everything beautiful in His time. God is a God of purpose and priorities and His end result is always for glory and beauty. As Christians we should have faith not in the request but in God who is always working on your behalf.

Remember the story of Joseph. He had a dream where he was lord over his brothers but he went from the pit, through Potiphar’s house as a slave, then the prison as a prisoner before he got to the throne (Genesis 37, 39-42). When you think that nothing is happening that’s when God is putting everything together, so that all things will work together for your good. At the end, all things became beautiful in His time for Joseph.

Let examine the scenario of a 7years old boy, who got so excited over his father's new car. He couldn't wait to drive the car to school to show off to his friends but his father said; NO!. The boy was upset because he could not understand his father's refusal, he began to develop a feeling of resentment. He felt inferior that probably he is not good enough to drive a car. But in actual fact, a good father will never let a 7 years old boy drive a car because of his safety until he is mature enough to handle it.

Just like this seven years old boy, when we do not get what we want, we feel God has forsaken us or we are not good enough. Sometimes God is silent because the time is not right yet.

God is the Alpha and the Omega, that is, the beginning and the ending. He knows the end from the beginning. He sees problems that we can’t see. Therefore when God doesn’t answer you immediately, it’s not that He won’t do so (Psalm 37:4) but that there are issues on the way that need to be tackled.

Abraham was childless for many years and at 75 years, God promised to make him a great nation and that his seed will inherit the land of Canaan (Genesis 12:1-4, 7). But Isaac didn’t come till 25 years later (Genesis 21:5). A long period you may say. Yet Isaac came at Gods timing and truly it was beautiful at His time.

God in his beauty kept Isaac’s parents to lived long enough to see him grow into a full-grown man. Sarah (who died first) died at the age of 127 years (Genesis 23:1), 37 years after the birth of Isaac. God truly restores the years that the cankerworms had eaten (Joel 2:25).

Only a heart that walks with Jesus Christ can truly understand that life is worth much more than the present situation. God is not slow as some may think, rather be reminded that God just said the word " Let there be light and there was light"(Genesis 1:3). God is more interested in building you through the process before he entrust you with His greatness. So we learn how to take charge.

Moses went ahead of God's time to try to save the Israelites, he had to run away for his life (Exodus 2-3). But when it was time according to God, he went as a god to Pharaoh (Exodus 7:1) and delivered the Israelites (Exodus 14:30-31).

To wait for God's timing is not a waste but a blessing. All things are beautiful in God's time. Even Jesus Christ had his own trials but he trusted in God's time. This can  be examined in his words before his persecution "LORD NOT MY WILL BUT YOURS"(Luke 22:41-46). And at the end God crowned Him with a name above every other name.

Impatience is a destroyer of destinies. Not waiting for God's time can cost you more than you bargained for.

For instance, King Saul, in I Samuel 13, made an unlawful sacrifice because he couldn’t wait for the man of God to come.This cost him his throne. 

Waiting on God will take faith and a lot of discipline but it’s worth it at the end. You may not know when or how but your latter end will be greater than your beginning. People may mock and laugh at you but if you will trust God and His word, they will turn around to laugh with you like Sarah.

Beloved! Hold on a bit longer and at the end, God will make all things beautiful in His time.There is a reason for the delay and in due time the vision will be clear.


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