Recently the death of a good friend struck me. Distance was not a barrier, he was there for my family. Death is not like an ATM cash alert that comes on your phone to inform you,
a musical band Travis Johnides& Alexa Sakal and the Australian Aboriginal Proverb states "We are all visitors to this time, this place. We are just passing through" however some Christian authors have argued that not everyone will die, Enoch walked with the Lord and did not experience death (Genesis 5:24) but God took him.The Master JESUS actually was put to dead but overcame dead by His resurrection, now He is sits at the right hand of the Father. The point still remains whether dead or no death, one day in body or in spirit we will leave this world.

One important question is how have you lived, how are you living? Am not talking about your earthly possessions, for a man's wealth is not measured by how much he has in his bank account but the lives he has effected, wealth is worthless in the day of wrath. All is vanity.

My mother will say some people came to occupy space. More so, from my experience, life can be describe as a race, in the corporate world the theory of "Survival of the Fittest" coined by Herbert Spence is applied and can be explained in a human social term to mean the ability to outshine the other person, to be the golden one, to run faster than others to get the golden medal. But in the Christian environment it is totally different because in this race, if your Christian brother falls along the race, you have to stop, dust him up before you both continue the race because this is also the criteria required to get the golden medal.

This is a time of reflection. How are you living? Have you come to occupy space OR Outshine others OR show each other brotherly love? How will you explain to the GREAT FATHER who commanded us to love that your righteous anger stopped you from forgiving another?

Lets be reminded of the the words of the scripture in 2 Corinthians 5:10:  "For we must all stand before Christ to be judged. We will each receive whatever we deserve for the good or evil we have done in this earthly body". One important fact is, just as the tree stands alone, no one will speak for you, you give account alone. The Lord looks at the heart, not the appearance.

May the grace of God lead us to His righteousness in Christ Jesus.


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