Can God Trust You With Pain

As humans we always crave for a miracle but life is not all about miracles. "Iron is tested by fire".
In life there is a learning time and even if you eventually get your miracle remember life is fragile, everything can be gained and lost in a second. So can God trust you with a pain? Will you remain faithful against all odds? Can you say Lord I don't understand this challenge but I know you hold my tomorrow?

The Jews came to Jesus in the temple... Jesus answered them, "Destroy the Temple, and I will raise it again in three days." - John 2:19. Sometimes, the Lord needs to bring down to build up; the process is painful but eventually gainful.

It’s hard to understand when things go wrong especially when you have done nothing wrong, in the Bible story of Job, he lost everything and even those close to his heart such as his wife and friends mocked him to his face. In his grief he questioned the Lord for the sudden shift of fate since he was a faithful man and indeed served the Lord with all his heart. He said "Wherefore was I born?", "Why has God given me life only to send me such suffering now?"- Job 40:2.
Just like Job many of us are guilty of wrong spoken words when we face life challenges, nevertheless Job did not allow his predicament come between his love and relationship with God, despite his pain, he said;"Though He slay me, yet will I hope in Him" - Job 13:15

It is easy to come out blaming God for a sudden misfortune but it takes great courage to resist the temptation to complain and trust that the pain came for a reason so instead of complaining grow in it.

One of the most popular female talk show host, Oprah Winfrey advised you “Turn your wounds into wisdom.”

More so, in the Bible story of Job, the devil seeks permission from God to tempt Job. God permitted him because, the enemy can turn on the fire but God knows how to turn it off. God controls the thermometer and can turn down the temperature.

The pain most times is a rebuilding process; for instance Joseph in the bible; from the pit was sold and then was imprisoned but God at the end of the process made him a leader. God has a great gift in your destiny that can only be handled by the courageous and strong, and sometimes one has to go through these processes to be refined. If everything is easy you will not be able to handle your big destiny.  Sometimes without the pain we cannot reach the fullness of our destiny. Trust that if God allowed it, he knows how to bring you out of it.

A seven years old boy was so excited over his father’s new car and wanted to drive it to school but his father refused to give him because he was not old enough to handle it, however though the boy was down-casted but his loving father knows better not to endanger his son's life on the express road.

God loves us so much and will not let any harm befall us, trust that He knows the future and is preparing us for it. So anytime you are faced with a pain say;"LORD I DO NOT UNDERSTAND IT BUT I TRUST YOU". Be big enough to SAY: "YES, HERE IS WHERE I GOT IT WRONG". Do not be hardhearted, go through the pain and learn the lesson.

However, just like Job some people are innocent but it is written in the scripture; “He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous"(Matthew 5:45). God has a plan; there is a reason for this pain. Do not worry, God has the final say and He will replace the years that the canter-worm has eaten. God blessed Job after the tribulation in double folds and expanded the years of his life.

God can turn your mess into a message if you keep holding on, keep the faith. At the end of the trouble, He will refine you and burst something new on your inside. The reason God allowed it to happen is because He can trust you, to use it to build others. No one can really help a person like the one who has been there. The forces of darkness may be after you, I know it hurts but God is saying I trust you and I will use you to bring generations out of bondage.

The man at the pool of Bethesda (John 5:1-9), was lame for 38 years and in John 9, a man was born blind, God knew their pain but did nothing about it because these men will be used to display that Jesus is the son of God. God many times will put your problem in display for the world to see, so that when you are rescued by Him, there will be no doubt of His greatness. Therefore when you pass through troubles, you are divinely selected, its not all about you but God's gain. There is a blessing in that pain, God will not allow it, if he will not bring good out of it.

You may have lost a husband, children, job or a love one, God says in Isaiah 49:15-16, “I will not forget you. I have engraved you on the palms of my hands.” He knows the number of hairs on our head (Luke 12:7). He controls the world and at the snap of His fingers everything can fall in place.

Trust HIM who; give orders to the morning,
                       shut up the sea behind doors,
                       laid the earth’s foundation,
                       send the lightning bolts on their way,
                       and whose wisdom count the clouds.

God Bless you.


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