The phrase “free will” means God created Man to independently think, analyze, draw conclusions and make choices.
In the Biblical story of creation in Genesis, God created Adam and Eve and gave them everything including free will. He gave them free will to make up their mind to love Him. The plan could be assumed that, if they loved Him from their hearts, they will listen to Him, trust Him and appreciate Him.

However, Man disobeyed God, they listened to Satan (Serpent) who they even had dominion over, despite all that God has given them, they ate from the tree He had instructed Man not to eat.“The fruit was good for food and pleasing to the eyes, and also desirable for gaining wisdom” (Genesis 3.6). And with that, she took some of the fruit and ate it, and then she gave to her husband Adam who also ate (Genesis 3.7). In other words, the woman and the man indulged their desires, specifically, their desire for good-tasting and good-looking food, and their desire for gaining wisdom. Man's self interest cause them to disobey God, Man wanted to do things they own way. Man's lack of confidence in God, led to discontent and greed, they wanted more.

Man was created to have dominion over all things including Satan but when Man chose Satan above God, Man gave Satan the power to torment them.

God is omniscient (Psalm 139:1–6), and He knows the future (Isaiah 46:10). So He definitely knew that Adam and Eve would sin. But He created them anyway and gave them a free will with which they chose to sin. God does not want to create HUMAN ROBOTS to do whatever He desires because one of God's greatest desire is for Humans (MAN) to have relationship with him.

God loves us and wants us to be free to feel, HUMAN ROBOTS or MACHINES can’t experience joy, anticipation or pleasure. They aren’t creative, spontaneous or inquisitive, no consciousness, they have no relationships, no sense of priorities and can’t make plans for the future. 

Nevertheless, though Man sinned against God, God still loves us. Our knowledge of God’s love comes from the Person and saving work of Jesus Christ in this fallen world. “This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him” (1 John 4:9).

A true Christian in response to God's love, returns God's love freely without reservation and appreciates the finished work of  God in Christ Jesus. Examples of some good Christians in the Bible can be described; in the widow's mite, the widow who give up all the money she had in the Church. The lady with the Alabaster Jar, who instead of preserving her bride jar full of perfume for her future husband, poured it on the feet of the MASTER. Abel who was killed by Cain gave God his best and first produce. God wants to fulfill His purpose of creating an eternal, spiritual family, He wants His children to choose to love like Him.


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