Insecure Christian: The Jezebel Spirit

Jesus came into a city and someone else was driving out demon in his name. His disciple John came to him and said:
"Teacher," said John, "we saw someone driving out demons in your name and we told him to stop, because he was not one of us." -Mark 9:38. But Christ Jesus who is complete in God the Father and not intimidated because He knows the body of Christ is one, the eye can not tell the mouth I am more important than you are, neither can the legs tell the hand you are of no good. Light illuminates light only darkness resist light. In response Jesus said: "Do not stop him," Jesus said. "For no one who does a miracle in my name can in the next moment say anything bad about me. For whoever is not against us is for us." -Mark 9:39 - 40.
No matter how strong a person acts, if he constantly puts others down he is weak on the inside.:
The Bible verse Mat. 6:10 quotes " your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven."  Heaven begins right here on earth. For the purpose of this article the above verse implies that the Angels of God are not in conflict with each other, in the scripture they work together; Angels  informed the shepherds about the birth of Christ (Luke 2:8-14). Angels told people about the resurrection of Jesus (Matt. 28:2-7). Angels are not in conflict with each other why should children of God be at loggerheads with each other. Angels in Heaven have one goal and one motive which is to please THE MOST HIGH GOD. Do not the Children of God share the same goal?

It is sad to watch Christian brothers fight against each other. It is even terrible to find Christian leaders in competition with each other. The divine law is summed up in one word—LOVE. "You shall love." God is love. "As it is in heaven" means heaven is filled with unity and brotherly love, your action in earth therefore should be a reflection of God's love.

Lucifer was one Angel who was intimidated by the honour that was given to God. He got jealous of God's omnipotence and wanted to be like Him however Heaven is not a place to accommodate this kind of insecurity so Lucifer was casted out to the ground - the world.

The attitude of Lucifer will help us examine and identify a particular demon associated with this kind of insecurity attitude known as the JEZEBEL DEMON, Jezebel was married to King Ahab , she was angry with Prophet Elijah for defeating the Prophets of Baal. She wanted the Baal god to be edified or glorified over God so she threatened to kill Prophet Elijah and he flee for his life. One will ask how can a man of God flee from a woman. The Jezebel demon has a fury worse than a roaring lion, fiercest venom. But I maintain that Christ conquers all. JEZEBEL DEMON
Research have shown that though this demon represents a woman but it is not base on gender, anytime an individual takes away the focus from God to glorify himself, when attention shifts from God to oneself, such a person is possessed by the Jezebel Spirit. He also is quick to take credit for benefits for which he contributed no effort. A Jezebel volunteers in order to establish control. He seemingly has endless (nervous) energy and eagerly looks for opportunities to be in charge of projects. He just cannot bring himself to say thank you or to acknowledge that someone else did something right. He criticize any plan because the idea did not originate from him. A person with a Jezebel demon will always upstage another person. He feels threatened by anyone who dares to steal the limelight or anyone who is a threat to his power and control. A Jezebel dwells in the local church but doesn’t like authority unless he is in the position of authority. The Jezebel has strong desire, but all for self. A Jezebel likes to be the center of attention and doesn’t like to see others recognised and lauded. When someone else is recognised, he will quickly undermine the person’s accomplishments verbally. He wants the throne for herself and it does not want to share it with anyone else.

Furthermore, it has been observed that sometimes when a new member gets devotedly involved in the Church activities, other already existing Church brethren begin to get intimated and jealous as though the other has come to take something away from them. Scared that the GOLDEN CHILD STATUS will shift and attention will be given to the new member. This creates competition in the House of God among brethren. This is clearly an operation of the JEZEBEL DEMON.

Can a kingdom fight itself?

From observation, the Holy Spirit open my mind to understand this; tracing back to the book of Samuel where Hannah prayed for a child, it can be assumed, it was not the first time Hannah had been in the temple, she probably always went to the Temple to pray but the issues of life clouded her mind, she forgot Priest Eli (God's servant) was Prophet in charge of the Temple. On the certain day she had an encounter with Priest Eli, she was not even aware of his presence in the Temple until he spoke out and asked her if she was drunk. Like wise issues of life and troubles many times over clouds the mind of these new members that just like Hannah, their only cry is  "GOD REMEMBER ME". Thereby they put in there best in the service to God not concerned of others around them.

Christ teaches us to sympathize with others, tolerate and accommodate them. For instance the lady with the Alabaster Jar in the Bible (Luke 7) did too many things wrong, first she came into a stranger's house uninvited to welcome Jesus but Christ did not complain, she did not say a word of greeting to the host but Christ did not complain. Furthermore in the time of old, women should not be found where men gather, yet Christ did not complain, she kissed the feet of Jesus and Christ did not condemn her act though she was a prostitute. The jar of alabaster was her bride treasure according to research women in that time gave a jar of alabaster to their husbands-to be when given up in marriage. It was their most expensive and treasured possession, the scripture states she emptied the jar of alabaster on the feet of Jesus, Christ was not an intended suitor yet Christ did not complain. Instead Jesus look beyond those faults and search her heart, where he found a repentant soul ready to give up her all to be free. Then Jesus said to her, “Your sins are forgiven.”(Luke 7: 48)
Therefore instead of putting up hotter coals, making others lives miserable with your insecurity, be sympathetic with them. Comfort, encourage and pray for them. Why should there be competition among Christian brethren? Is it not God who blesses our service in His vine yard? Is it not God who doubles? Human gift is limited. A Church member could be impressed with your devoted service in the Church and recommend a rich man for a sister to get married to, but is it not God who preserves the life of the suitor and brings happiness in the home? A church member could give your child a scholarship because of your devoted service, is it not God who grants excellence and stops the wrong company from getting involved with your child? A church member can give you money to boost your business, is it not God who floods your business with customers so much so you can build a shopping Mall. Therefore if a man's need is dependent on what another man can provide, then you do not desire much.

May the love of Christ guide our hearts to love as Christ loves us.


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