A donkey fell into an abandoned well. The farmer who owned him paced frantically
as he tried to figure out how to get the donkey out. His neighbours convinced him that the donkey was too old to worry about, that it was most humane to bury him alive. They each got a shovel and began to toss dirt into the well. The donkey wailed as he realized he was about to be buried alive,but, instinctively, each time a shoved of dirt fell on his back he shook it off. Then the donkey stooped whining and kept shaking off each shovel of dirt. As the dirt fell under feet, the donkey stomped on it, which made it turn hard. When the farmer mustered the courage to look down in the well for one last look at his old companion, he was amazed! He watched the donkey as he shook off every load of dirt that hit his back. With each new load, the donkey would shake it off and take a step on the new layer of dirt. It wasn't long before the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well and trotted off, to the astonishment of the farmer and all of his neighbours. Whatever you have going on for you right now should not bury you; instead, use it as a stepping - stone to raise you to the next level.

Culled from pages of DESTINY by Bishop T.D Jakes.


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