Time cannot change God.God cannot change or grow old because he created time. 

One of the most difficult times in the Christian race is the waiting time. Are you waiting for a child after 10 years of marriage? Are you waiting for the right spouse in your 30s?  Are you unemployed for the past 5 years and you have done all you can? Do you have a stubborn son, who has refused to change despite all you prayers? Many Christians derail during this waiting period. It is not that God is not real, its just that God is not limited by the physical laws and dimensions that govern our world (Isaiah 57:15).

Abraham and Sarah longed for a child for many years. They waited but grew old and Sarah lost hope since she passed the age of menopause. God created time so He can not be controlled by time. Time does not limit God. Although Abraham and Sarah were both old, God had not forgotten them.

One day the LORD visited Abraham and Sarah with good-news of a child. The Angels said in an appointed time Sarah will bear a child. And it came to pass, God did not only bless them with a son, Isaac, He also kept them alive to see their son grow up and get married.

In another vein, God promised the ancestors of old, to give Israel a promise land. A land that flows with milk and honey. However, this did not happen overnight as the Israelite suffered in the hands of the Egyptians under the reign of King Pharaoh for many years and after almost a century, a man known as Moses who was 80 years old was sent to led the people out of their oppression and to the promise land. God is never in a hurry but He is always on time.

Furthermore, the promise of a Saviour was talked about by the Prophets in the old testament but it came to pass after almost a decade later. It took so long even the Jews did not recognise the Messiah when He came. It is important to understand that no matter, the length of days or years, what God said he will do, must come to pass. Therefore, maintain a positive attitude, filled with expectation and faith - "For we walk by faith, not by sight" (2 Corth. 5:7).

The Elohim is not unconcerned about your feelings or need, He promised to answer your prayers but that does not mean, He will give it to you anytime you want it. He is not holding it back either, its just that the KING OF GLORY who knows 10 years from now and 20 years from now, know the right time the gift will be worth your while. The LORD also loves to advertise His glory in His children so that the world will know NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR HIM TO DO.

Jehovah does not perform a miracle to boast but when there is a miracle, it is with the sole purpose to win more souls to His kingdom. More so, the ELOHIM also knows when you are qualified to handle this gift so when He is silent, He is grooming you to qualify you for the position.

Sarah got tired of waiting and asked Abraham to sleep with their maid. God does not need your help to fulfill His words. The Bible is a working miracle, God 's spoken word does not need you to make it happen. As the Heaven is above the earth so is God's wisdom above Man's intellect. Therefore do not quit because it did not come when you wanted it. Some of the best things in life come when you wait. According to Bishop T.D Jakes " God knows a miracle too soon is not a miracle at all." The Bible states a good man's steps are ordered by the LORD, it did not state an electronic elevator, it states steps. God guides steps, takes us into the process to accomplish His beautiful destiny for us.

I understand that these steps sometimes can be painful. A mother Eagle flys in search for food and brings it to her babies in the nest but as they grow older they can no more take baby food to grow strong. For her children to learn how to fly like herself and feed themselves, she needs to push them out of the nest. They may not understand this attitude from their loving mother, but the mother knows they were born EAGLES. God loves babies but He does not want us to stay that way. A great leader replicates himself.

Jehovah loves you more than you love yourself and anyone can, trust Him when He is silent, when He says YES and when He says NO! We have to understand that THE COMMANDER OF THE UNIVERSE IS NOT AN ERRAND BOY. A good Christian should possess the virtue of patience and long suffering. Iron is purified by fire.

Do not go ahead of God. Do not seek something God does not want for you. Remember He owns the entire world and at the snap of His fingers everything can fall in place. Do not work it out yourself and ignore God's best.

A woman can force herself to a man and get married but who secures their happiness? A woman can steal a child but who hides her from the law enforcement agency? A business man can steal to buy himself an office space but who floods the business with customers? There are many people who got it all but are miserable.

Sometimes the waiting time can be unbearable but if we allow God work in us. You will find an untapped hidden treasure in your inside, you haven't touched yet. God wants to reveal that to you.

God gives you what you need when you need it. Don't go beating yourself, you do not need a manual, you need Emmanuel.


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