SOLOMON'S REQUEST: If God promised to give you anything, what would you ask for?

"When you focus your attention on God, He will focus His attention on your enemies."- Pastor Chima Charles
The owner of the universe, galaxies and everything in it asked King Solomon "what do you want from me"? This is indeed is a tempting question because it is an open cheque. Ask for whatever and it will be given to you.This passage of the scripture also shows that God gives us the opportunity to make a request.

In this Bible story, Solomon is described as a young lad with a huge responsibility to govern the people of Israel. Most youths his age will get so excited over the newly acquired throne and probably buy the latest sports car and go ahead to change his wardrobe to fit his new status.

However, young Solomon was more concerned about been the best King. He wanted more than anything to follow his father's footsteps. Most of all, he did not want to fail the people of Israel.

Furthermore, rather than ask for houses in Abuja, fleet of Rolls Royce cars like many youths his age. Solomon ask for wisdom to discern between good and evil. In order words he asked for the ability to be the best leader to his people not a partial one.

No doubt from the scripture, this request impressed the Elohim so much, He said (2Chronicles 1:11-12) to Solomon; "because your greatest desire is to help your people, and you did not ask for wealth, riches, fame, or even the death of your enemies or a long life, but rather you asked for wisdom and knowledge to properly govern my people I will certainly give you the wisdom and knowledge you requested. But I will also give you wealth, riches, and fame such as no other king has had before you or will ever have in the future!". In the new testament, Matthew 6:33 states; "seek first the Kingdom of God and all shall be added to thee".

God cannot have faith for He cannot doubt himself. God cannot have hope for all is available to him.
He cannot have joy for He is the fullness of joy. One virtue God can share with man is love. He loves those who love His people. God loves us and it is His desire we are better and saved. Besides putting the devil in his place, God also wants us all to live in peace with others.

Therefore when you make love your business, FATHER AND SON will make a home with you
(John 14:23). When you walk in love there is no master/servant rather relationship. The greatest love you can find is the one that goes two ways.

It is said faith without action is dead, the same way love without action is dead, you can not love someone and refuse to visit that person, so prove your love to God by meditating on his Word and be committed to his services working on his status. "If you love me, keep my commands".-John 14:15

Unfortunately people separate Christian activity from love.The Bible states in Corinthians 13;  If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. My best part is in verse 3 ; "if I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing". Therefore no christian activity can be compared to a relationship with Jesus.

Finally, one good request from Solomon made him the richest and wisest King that ever live. When you make God's business your business, He will take care of you. Let the joy of the Lord be your strength and Jehovah will bless you beyond what you have ever dreamed or imagined. He will add what you did not ask of, just like He did Solomon.



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