Zechariah Faithful in Barrenness

Zechariah and Elizabeth were the parents of John the Baptist. These couple can be found in Luke 1:5-25.
Zechariah was a Priest who belonged to the Priest division of Abijah. The Bible states clearly that Zechariah and Elizabeth were righteous in the sight of God, observing all the Lord's commands and decrees blamelessly. It is important to note that despite their childlessness yet they were faithful to God. Elizabeth was unable to conceive till they were both old and yet they remain faithful.

Despite their childlessness, they didn't find their identity in having children because the Bible goes on to say that they were "... walking blamelessly in all the commandments and statues of the Lord" (Luke 1:6b). The Holy Spirit opened my heart to imagine that despite what Elizabeth was going through, she did not lose her hope, love and faith in God. In their times, they lived in an historical and cultural context where not having children would have been seen as a punishment from God. It can be assumed Zechariah was mocked of being a Priest yet was childless.

Furthermore in the book of Luke 1:11, an angel of Lord appeared to Zechariah while he was performing his priestly rites. The Angel said in verse 13- "Do not be afraid, Zechariah; your prayer has been been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you are to call him John". However, Zechariah was doubtful; he said in verse 18 "How can I be sure of this? I am an old man and wife is well along in years". This implies, he had even lost faith and hope of ever getting a child but he remained faithful without complains to God. He was faithful to God not to get a child but for who God is.

Zechariah was a noble man, in fact in this same historical and cultural context you can review many sources that give evidence of a man actually allowed to divorce a woman who cannot conceive a child but Zechariah did not ever consider the act of divorce or send Elizabeth away. We instead read that Zechariah continued in the duties of the Priesthood.

Galatians 6:9  states; "And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up".  Zechariah's due season came when he least expected it. Apostle Paul the author of this passage perhaps better than anyone else, knew how wearying the Spiritual battle can be. He faced many challenges but he finished the race, fought the good fight and kept the faith (2 Tim. 4:7)

God will provide for each need. He wants to fulfill, He is, after all, in charge of it all. Not sparrow falls without His seeing it (Mat 10:29). From Zechariah's doubtful response, we see that it doesn't matter your position in your local church, or how long you have been a believer. Your doubt in God can creep in. What is greatly important is remaining obedient and faithful to God despite your circumstances. Life is not about you, its about God's gain. God plan for you is better, even greater than your dream.

Zechariah's name in Hebrew is ' Zachary' which means 'Remembered by God'. Elizabeth means ' the oath of God'. And their son, John's name means; 'the Lord is gracious'. They merely asked for a son to carry on the family name and priesthood. God gave them the forerunner of the Messiah (Jesus Christ). Indeed as it states in Eph. 3:20 -"Now all glory to God, who is able, through His mighty power at within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think". God does not always give according to our asking, and certainly not according to our deserving. He gives according to the riches of His grace.

The Goodnews is Jesus paid the price in full. In Him we have already all that we need.



  1. This blog has given me a clear insight of Luke 1:5-25 chapter in great details. I wasn’t grasping it well in the King James Version. Thanks for sharing and please continue doing the good works of Christ. Amen


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