I like the Wikipedia definition of temptation which states, temptation is a desire to engage in short-term urges for enjoyment, that threatens long-term goals.
What actually caught my attention in this context is "... that threatens long term goals." The Devil will come to entice you with something that looks simple but has long term implications. Let me say this; 'No wrong is little'. In the book of Genesis 3: 1-7 when the snake tempted Eve with the fruit, it was just a bite that cost everything, man
lost his place with God.When Esau was tempted, it was just a pottage (Genesis 25:29) that cost his birthright. Sin always promises more than it gives.

However, temptation itself is not sin but yielding to it, is sin. Jesus was tempted (Mark 1:13; Luke 4:1-13), but He never sinned (Hebrews 4:15). Sin occurs when we allow the temptation to become action. In the Lord's prayer Jesus taught us to pray not to be led into temptation (Luke 11:4). This means we ask God to lead us away from evil. Therefore God does not tempt anyone but He can allows it.One of the reasons God allows temptation, is to enable us conquer 'self'. Sometimes the struggle in overcoming temptation, engage you in self-improvement.

In Mat 4:1 we read that the Holy Spirit led Jesus into the desert to be tempted by the Devil after a 40 days and night fast. Temptation comes to check mate you, whether you can keep the WORD of God or not.

Furthermore in Exodus 16: 2-7, the Bible states that the Israelites where tested by God with manna and quails on whether they will obey His instructions or not.Though Moses told them to gather for each day and not leave left overs yet some disobeyed. Obedience to God is evidence of faith in Him.

I agree there are some temptations that put us in very compromising situations. But what do you do when your love is under threat? Whose voice would you listen to? Will you take the easy way out and compromise because you know God is merciful or will you stand on the Word of God. Whenever you are tempted, first ask yourself - do I want to be counted among those living a life that counts for God?

Daily we are faced with different choices but we must not be ignorant of the schemes of the devil (2 Cor. 2:11).The truth is, there are no short cuts, to believe in Christ is to live in Him. Am not taking about self -righteousness, but the ability to surrender to His authority.

Jesus was not an exemption. He was “tempted in all things as we are,yet without sin” (Heb. 4:15). The Lord was not only tempted by the devil at the wilderness, He was undoubtedly tempted at other times (Luke 4:13; Matthew 16:21–23; Luke 22:42), and yet in all this, His goal was to obey His Father.

The book of Luke uses the temptation of Jesus to both confirm Jesus as the righteous Son of God at the outset of His public ministry and to teach us how to follow Him in obedience to the Father.

Jesus overcame the temptation when He conquered self. The cross of calvary was not only the place He displayed His love, He also did it at the wilderness. The true test of love is what you do when your love is under threat. His unconditional love for the Father was unshaken. If you do not come from a place of love, lust will always eat up your resources.

 Lets analyze the temptation of Jesus.

1. TURN STONE TO BREAD: The Devil said to Jesus if you are the Son of God turn the stones to bread (Mat. 4:3). But if you read your bible very well, it is revealed that the Son of God is the BREAD OF LIFE (John 6:35). In (John 6:49) Jesus said your ancestors ate manna in the wilderness but I am the true bread, if any man eat of me, he will never hunger.

Similarly, at the passover feast Jesus offered bread as His body to His disciples. So how can the devil tempt the Lord with what He a ready is. It is ignorance that leads men to make wrong choices when tempted. Eve ignorance led her to eat the forbidden fruit. The Devil said to her; if you eat of this fruit you will be like God but it is written in Genesis 1:26: "And now we will make man; they will be like us and resemble us". God made Man in His own image and when He breathed into Man, He did not just breath in oxygen.  The Bible states He gave Man dominion (Gen. 1:26 -30), therefore God breathed in His potentials into Man. But the enemy tricked the woman into doubting her already
given potentials. Sometimes the Devil comes in disguise to tempt us with what you already have.

The devil bides his time until you are vulnerable, Jesus was hungry after fasting for 40 days and nights. It can be assumed that there was a stone right under the feet of Jesus. So the Devil said; If you are the Son of God command that stone to become a loaf of bread?”. But Jesus did not need to turn stone to bread to prove He is the Son of God, He choose not to be famous in Satan's eyes but to be obedient to the His Father. He choose faithfulness above been famous.

The Lord does not perform a miracle to boast. The Lord is not into appearances, He does not give into show off and had no pride in Him. The word 'compassion' was always attributed to His personality in various verses in the Bible. He had compassion on the multitude and fed them(Matthew 9:36). 

Following the character of  Jesus, one will ask, in the present day, do all Pastors or Ministers perform miracles to truly heal a person or to show off. Paul's letter to the Galatians, he wrote on the true meaning of Apostleship. Galatians 1:10 - "Does this sound as if I am trying to win human approval? No Indeed! What I want is God's approval! Am I trying to be popular with people? If I were still trying to do so, I would not be a servant of Christ." Your discipleship should not be aimed at showing off but a heart of faithfulness.

The temptation to turn stone to bread was also a test of provision, Satan tempted Jesus to use His anointing to provide for Himself but Jesus resisted the temptation when He said MAN SHALL NOT LIVE BY BREAD ALONE BUT BY THE COMMAND OF GOD (Mat 4:4). There is nothing wrong with been hungry but you need to distinguish between a good work and a God work.

A God work is based on God's instructions. Jesus explained this when he said;  “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father
who is in heaven will enter. Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many [a]miracles?’And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice  lawlessness’ (Matthew 7:21-23). Brethren, in this context we see anything done outside the love for God is sin.

The temptation to turn stone to bread is also a test of character. He did not get the permission from God so He remained content till He is granted. Power should not be used to achieve selfish goals. Selfish people turn stones to bread to quench their hunger, so in another word Jesus said; I am hungry but my Father's Word will fill me.



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