Let me examine the incident in Acts 15:36 -41.

Paul and Barnabas hosted a crusade and John Mark accompanied them(Acts 15:36-41).

Great miracles occurred in this meeting and the disciples where pleased by the move of God but John Mark was homesick and longed to be with his mother. So he left but came back.

This mummy's boy attitude irritated Paul and though Barnabas urged him to be patient, he refused and it led to their separation.

However, although no Barnabas gospel can be found in the Bible but Barnabas groomed John Mark who wrote the Mark gospel and became beneficial to Paul while he was in prison.

It’s good to know that if you miss an opportunity with God, He will give you another chance. 

A 24 Karat Gold does not lose its value when it falls into mud water, you only need to clean it. Everyone deserves a second chance.


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