Reach Out Without Prejudice

After an evening class at the Bible School, a man I will call Mr. B helped me with a drive to the nearest bustop,
along the way we met a security man who looked haggard and from his facial expression he wanted a tip because he looked hungry.

However Mr. B was irritated and after the security man had opened the toll gate for us, Mr. B drove off without giving him a penny. As we drove along, Mr B began to give me a long sermon on various reasons against giving. After talking for about 20 minutes he asked me, what do you think?

And the Holy Spirit began to give me insight. I said; first of all, the bible said God so love the world that He gave His only begotten Son even when we were not deserving (John 3:16).

In the book of Mat 14:13- 21, when Jesus fed the multitude, these multitude may have comprised of those who came to hear Jesus, those who were just passerby's and some may have been Jewish spies sent to pick the Lord's words and used it against Him but the Bible shows us that regardless of all these components Jesus had compassion on the people and fed the people without discrimination.

Children of God, if Christ is our role model then we should be willing to give others, rich or poor without prejudice.

Thank you Holy Spirit.



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