Wealth Creation 1

Wealth creation is the potential to create the monitory value. We will examine Biblical laws of wealth creation.

Many labour night and day to live in abundance, others use their brains to make money, some where born into abundance, others live in abundance at ease. Our is on  biblical principles of living in abundance at ease.

2 Corinthians 8:9 states; Christ was rich, yet for your sake he became poor in order to make you rich. In another word; He left the benevolence in Heaven, the gold streets to walk on streets made with soil to lift us to His standard.

We were made rich by the poverty of Christ.

The question most unbelievers ask is why are some Christian poor? Evangelizing to them have become so difficult because they fear, they will become poor if they accept Jesus.

Some Christians are influenced by wrong doctrines and spread the wrong message of contentment. Though we are not called to be lazy, we are also not called to be possessive. We are to rest in the finished work of Christ.

What does it mean to rest in the finished work of Christ?


John 14:2; Jesus said in my Father's house there are many Mansions. The Lord used the term Mansions, not a one bedroom flat, two or three bedroom flats. He did not say there are boy squatters or duplexes, the Lord used the term Mansions. He is giving us the best, we should then give Him a Mansion service.

Abel gave his best because God deserves it and he believes Jehovah is the giver of all entrusted to him. But Esau said to himself I worked hard for all I possess, why should I give God the best, I deserve the best for myself. He believed his efforts enriched him so when Abel and Esua brought their offering before the Lord. The Lord looked at the heart and rejected Esau's offering (Genesis 4).

We need to realize that the fruit we grow does not belong to us at all, but to God. God gave Adam dominion over the plantation not ownership. We are called to be managers not possessors.

The parable in Luke 20:9-19; a man planted a Vineyard (God) and rented it out to tenants (Man), at harvest time, the owner sent his servants (Prophets) to the tenants for their returns. But they maltreated the Prophets and killed the owner's only son because they wanted the inheritance. This parable told by Jesus points out that this world is not ours. People die and are born because the world is on lease.

It is God who provides the correct weather and environment for the fruit to grow. Without God there will be no fruit.

The first and one of the most important step to spiritual and physical wealth creation is to know, God owns all, enabled growth and we should be willing to give Him the best of every produce.

BIBLE VERSES: Number 5:9, Exodus 23:19, Matthew 6:33.

PART 2 Continues.


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