
Celebrating International Women's Day

Today, March 8, 2023 we celebrate women in the mission. The Lord Jesus is The Bride Groom - Mark 2: 19. Below are Biblical study on women participation in Christianity. *The Lord does not condemn us. The woman caught in adultery. Law Stoned, Grace forgave - John 8: 1 - 1. * Mary Magdalene the woman's act of bravery waiting at the tomb of Christ. And The Lord appeared to her. She is the first to see the Resurrected Christ - John 20: 1 - 18. * The Virgin Born, Mary's obedience and total surrender to God in a difficult circumstance despite the law in the community - Luke 1: 38. * Women went to care for the Body of Christ after His death - Luke 23: 55 - 56. Luke 24:1, Luke 24:10 * Women mourned during The Lord's persecution at the carrying of the Cross. They were brave in the face of false accusation - Luke 23: 27 - 28. * Bravery of Women at The Cross Of Christ where He was Nailed - John 19: 25 - 27 Remembering women who sat at the feet of Christ. Jesus The Bride Groom comforte...


  For God so Love the world He gave His only begotten Son - John 3:16 He sent Himself. Thank you Holy Spirit.

If God is love, how can there be hell?

He loves us enough to give us a choice. Hell is what hell is because the holiness of God is what it is.

Your Maker is your Mirror

In Number 13, the Lord instructed Moses send twelve spies to view the promise land for forty days.


A 24 Karat gold is still a 24Karat gold even though it is thrown in mud. The difference is, it is covered in mud and needs to be cleaned.

Grace enables us to live holy lives

QUOTE: Until your passion for God is stronger than the addiction, you will not quit.


QUOTE: “Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.” ― Corrie ten Boom