Celebrating International Women's Day
Today, March 8, 2023 we celebrate women in the mission. The Lord Jesus is The Bride Groom - Mark 2: 19. Below are Biblical study on women participation in Christianity. *The Lord does not condemn us. The woman caught in adultery. Law Stoned, Grace forgave - John 8: 1 - 1. * Mary Magdalene the woman's act of bravery waiting at the tomb of Christ. And The Lord appeared to her. She is the first to see the Resurrected Christ - John 20: 1 - 18. * The Virgin Born, Mary's obedience and total surrender to God in a difficult circumstance despite the law in the community - Luke 1: 38. * Women went to care for the Body of Christ after His death - Luke 23: 55 - 56. Luke 24:1, Luke 24:10 * Women mourned during The Lord's persecution at the carrying of the Cross. They were brave in the face of false accusation - Luke 23: 27 - 28. * Bravery of Women at The Cross Of Christ where He was Nailed - John 19: 25 - 27 Remembering women who sat at the feet of Christ. Jesus The Bride Groom comforte...