Judge not, that ye be not judged

"Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven (Luke 6:37).

For the same measure you use on people is the same measure that will be used on you. Abraham was a man who slept with his maid, he denied his wife in public.

David was a man who killed another man and took his wife but yet he said David is a man after his heart.

Not to forget that David had a hand full of blood that's why God didn't want him to build his temple, God admitted that but yet loved David.

According to the man of God, Pastor Chima, said stop judging people and focus on God.

He added when people cannot understand what God is doing, they miss direction.

The Biblical Proverbs 29: 18 states that, “A nation without God's guidance is a nation without order”.

When people cannot open their eyes to see what God is doing they quarrel among each other.

I had an argument with a friend over the swim suit a lady wore; I guess after a pool bath. The argument began when she put up her pictures on social media, my friend copied the photo and put it on her Blackberry and condemned her appearance.

Don't get me wrong, I am not saying it right or wrong, am only saying no matter how you feel, leave Judgment to God.

I remember a story of a prostitute who left her old ways and came to Church but the members of the Church always looked at her with condemnation, according to the story one day she addressed the congregation and said her friend in her old life never condemned her so she is going back.

Lovely Readers back to my argument with my friend, so I told her, if you condemn people how do you bring them to God. I went further to remind her of the Biblical story of the lady with the Alabaster Jar, if Christ condemned her because she kissed his feet and thought it was a scam to arouse him. He would have joined the others to condemn her. And there would have been no conversion.

Conversion is God's work not yours. Let's remember despite Saul’s (Now Paul) offences and killing of Christians, none of the Christians could convert him only God converted him. 

Preach readers and leave conversion to God. On your own, you can not change anyone.

Pastor Chima said, can anyone quote the Holy Book more than the owner of the book. It can be recalled that after the people quoted a version of the Book of Moses that stated; a prostitute when caught must be stoned, Jesus answered in the words of the same scripture as  he said ‘he who has not sinned let him throw cast the stone.’ Pastor Chima added; she was "Guilty but remembered".

He said it’s a clear indication that many times, God does not call the qualified he qualifies the call.

I end with this note, if God was so Judgmental, Christ would not have appeared to Saul or given Saul a second chance to be his apostle.

Human Justice is not God's justice.

Thank you.


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