How Far Do You Want To Go

People work hard for all sorts of stuff: some work hard for good marks at school, others work hard for money, and then there are those who work hard for attention.
In our life journey, how far as a Christian do you intend to go?

This topic will lead me to examine, the 3 stages of Christianity according to Pastor Chima of Fountain of Life International Gospel Ministry, they are Bethel,  Jericho and Jordan.

In 2King- 3, the story of Prophet Elisha - Elijah's Successor, Prophet Elisha had the great desire to know God more as he learnt a lot from Prophet Elijah. Nowadays some of the so called Christians are more interested in the material things they will get from God than God's spirituality.

This reminds me of the song "I want more of you". As Christians we should desire to know God not because we want a big house or to get a top job.

It is written in Matthew 6:33 "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you".

Today we will discuss the three stages of Christianity.

Pastor Chima of Fountain of Life International Gospel Ministry said, there are 3 stages of Christianity, the first is the Bethel stage; in an analysis, this is a stage when a person is newly converted to Christendom.

He is so excited that anytime he prays God answers. He believe anyone who does not know Christ is evil and gives no room for sympathy or love. Such Christians judge, condemn and discriminate others.

They view Christianity as a competition and tries to outshine other Christians. Instead of helping each other up. I find it weird to find Christians in the Church competition among themselves on who pleases the Pastor most. Who knows the Bible most, who is a better interpreter etc. They forget that Christ taught us to be one body.

One day, a woman who was once a prostitute, converted and began to attend Church service. Unfortunately the members in the Church looked at her with eyes of condemnation and did not want to associate themselves with her.

One day, she attended a particularly Sunday service and was called by the Minister to speak. She said: "Thank you brothers and sisters for this opportunity, I thought where I left was not where I needed to be but when I joined this Church, I realised that where I left was all I needed, at least in the Brothel, I was not discriminated or let down by the follow prostitutes but since I came here, all I have known is condemnation. Therefore, I am glad to say that I will leave this Church and go back to my former family where I was celebrated."

Many Christians at the Bethel stage are like members of this congregation so also the prostitute in this story. They believe when they accept Christ everything is automatic.

According to Pastor Chima, If you are too proud of your glory or blessing, it slowly dies, another instance happened in Imo State, Nigeria, where the former Governor of the State acted with pride, actually it was learnt that just because a Catholic Priest was on his way on an express road, he ordered his security men to beat up the Priest. Of course, he did not succeed in the reelection, that singlualr reason cause people to lose confidence in him.

Pride does not occur only among unbelievers, likewise it is found among some christian (Bethel), some think they are more knowledgeable in the words of the scripture than others are, so they boast about it. They feel since the go to Church everyday and occupy certain positions in the church, they are better than those who come only on Sundays and do not hold any position in the Church.

In the Bethel stage, these category of Christians read the surface meaning of the Bible and fail to understand the hidden meaning.

They believe since they have given their life to Christ they should immediately become rich and are negligent that iron is tested by fire.

1 Peter 1:7
"So that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ."

Job 23:10
But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold.

Rather, they see themselves more superior than others. When in contact with those they term sinners they either condemned them with words or with their eyes. These category of Christains walk about with 'Holier than thou attitude".

Didn't Christ himself come for the sinners? Luke 5:32 - I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.

These category of Christians emphasis more on the Gospel of God's punishment rather than God's unconditional Love.

They forget that Christ dead actually cleanse us from our sins.

Furthermore, these Bethel Christians misunderstand the Bible and interpret faith as putting God to test. How can one leave his house open because he has faith robbers will not rob him? How can one refuse to take drugs when he is ill because he has faith he will be well? How can one refuse to cover himself from cold because he believes, with faith he can be clothed.

To be continued, Next Jericho Christians.


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