Courage in waiting


“The two hardest tests on the spiritual road are the patience to wait for the right moment and the courage not to be disappointed with what we encounter.”
― Paulo Coelho

Today am glad to talk about this special kind of courage. Not courage in the terms of physical strength or defending oneself with words but an internal fight.

In this message, let’s examine a certain type of courage that is quieter. Examples of persons who have displayed this kind of courage include; Abraham (Genesis 11:26), the father of all nations. Though he served God wholeheartedly yet for many years he had no son but was patient and still loved God all the same, if it was not for his wife Sarah who was worried, it is assumed that Abraham would have still waited on the Lord without complains.

It can be recalled in another instance between Abraham and Lot where Abraham displayed Christian maturity, it was stated in the Bible that the conflicts between herdsmen had become so troublesome that Abram graciously suggested that Lot choose a separate area, either on the left hand [north] or on the right hand [south], that there be no conflict amongst brethren. But Lot chose to go east to the plain of Jordan where the land was well watered everywhere as far as Zoar, and he dwelled in the cities of the plain toward Sodom. Abram went south to Hebron and settled in the plain of Mamre, where he built another altar to worship God. (Genesis 13:1–18)

Abraham accepted a land that was not fertile without complaining or a quarrel and trusted the Lord God to help me.

More so, these categories of people also include;

1. A student, who unfortunately despite his several attempts to pass his exams failed severally but nevertheless, time and time again he celebrates with his friends who pass their exams without comparing himself with them or any sign of jealousy.

2. A woman who cannot bear children but yet celebrates with her husband’s new wife over her new born baby, she even goes ahead to bath the baby and take care of mother and child before her mother-in-law arrives without any sign of jealousy or sadness.

3. A Pastor who lost his family in an auto-crash but yet keeps serving God and preaching to people to have faith and keep their hope in God.

I can go on and on, we have these kinds of people among us, in our community as neighbours, as brothers, and as sisters. They never resort to self-pity because of their confidence in God despite their challenges.

This Christian maturity is admirable, a special kind of courage in pains.

According to Napoleon,“Courage isn't having the strength to go on - it is going on when you don't have strength.”

Maybe in their closets, they cry but only the Master of the universe sees their tears in secret not everyone.

Nevertheless, they keep their head high and do the right things even when no one is watching.

Recently, I watched a movie titled "Best Man Holiday", a particular lady striked me, she displayed this kind of courage, actually in the movie, she was dying of Cancer but yet she did not want her friends to know, she did not want their self-pity.

Furthermore, although her husband a man of God prayed ceaselessly and had faith that the Lord will someday heal his lovely wife, she told him ”Darling it is his will".

This is great courage, she totally surrendered to God, in the movie, we were made to understand that she has tried everything, medical, traditional, herbal but it was God's will that she dies leaving her young kids behind and this courageous woman accepted her fate without blaming God.

How many Christians including myself have lived long enough to get to this stage, to accept trials and wait for God's time cheerfully to save them?

“A man with outward courage dares to die; a man with inner courage dares to live.”


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