Great Men Who Never Became Great (Part 3)

According to the Bible, Absalom was the third son of David, King of Israel with Maachah, daughter of Talmai, King of Geshur (1 Chronicles 3:2, 2 Samuel 3:3).

The Book of 2 Samuel 14:25 describes him as the most handsome man in the kingdom. He was a great favorite of his father and of the people as well. His charming manners, his personal beauty, his insinuating ways, together with his love of pomp and royal pretensions, captivated the hearts of the people.

However, despite being so loved by his father, David, Absalom eventually rebelled against his father.

Meanwhile Absalom can be remembered in the Bible as the man who killed his half brother, after his full sister Tamar was raped by Amnon, their half-brother and David's eldest son, Absalom waited two years and avenged her by sending his servants to murder Amnon at a feast after he was drunk, to which Absalom had invited all the king's sons (2 Samuel 13).

More so,  It can be assumed that  Absalom's good looks and charisma gave way to pride as he decides to overthrow his father as king.

It was recorded that Absalom deceived people in Israel to believe, he could best handle their problems better than his father.

According to Bob Deffinbaugh; Absalom would have been a great politician. Come to think of it, that is exactly what he was! Every day Absalom would station himself on the road to Jerusalem.Absalom would call out to those passing by, asking from where they came and why they had come. He greeted all in a way they would remember. Can you imagine, for example, if you were driving down LBJ freeway and someone waved your car over to a parked limousine? The door opens, and the Vice President of the United States steps out, engaging you in conversation. When you seek to show your respect, he grasps you firmly by the hand and gives you a great big “Okie” (Oklahoma) “hug your neck,” refusing to allow you to honor him. Wow! That would be quite a meeting -- one you would never forget.

This was exactly Absalom's style, he mingled with them and listened to their grievances, expressing sympathy with their sufferings and regret at the inefficiency of the government. Not only does Absalom come out looking good, he causes David to come out looking very bad.

Many people bought Absalom's tricks and praised him. He was generally regarded as heir to the kingdom.

However, David's love for Absalom almost seems to be a weak spot, Absalom was a hypocrite, therefore was able to use his father's weak spot to deceive him.

After four years of running David down and building himself up in the eyes of the people, Absalom was ready to make his move.(2 Samuel 3:2-3)

He went to his father and told him that he had made a vow while he was living in Geshur (where he run after killing his brother). He vowed that if God ever granted him the privilege of returning to Israel he would pay his vow to the Lord in Hebron.

It is sad that Absalom will tell lies with the name of the Lord. God is too great to blaspheme. It is lack of respect to tell lies with the name of the LORD.

 Proverbs 6:16-19
There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers. 

In the modern days we also see many people doing the same. God is mighty in battle. Never

under estimate God's silence for inactive. As we read along we willl see how Absalom was punished for that sin.

One of the accomplice of Absalom was David's counselor and a man greatly renowned for his sagacity, Ahithophel. Absalom also had another helper known as Hushai.

Furthermore, when David realized that Ahithopel was part of the team to overthrow him, he was deeply worried and prayed to God for help.

"David went up the ·Mount of Olives, crying as he went. He covered his head and went barefoot. All the people with David covered their heads also and cried as they went. Someone told David, “Ahithophel is one of the ·people with Absalom who made secret plans against you [conspirators with Absalom].”

So David prayed, “Lord, please make [turn] Ahithophel’s advice foolish [counsel into foolishness].”(2 Samuel 15: 30-31)

God answered David's prayers: "Absalom and all the Israelites said, “The advice of Hushai the Arkite is better than that [the counsel] of Ahithophel.” (The Lord had planned to destroy the good advice of Ahithophel so the Lord could bring disaster).

"When Ahithophel saw that the Israelites did not accept his advice, he saddled his donkey and went to his hometown. He left orders for his family and property, and then he hanged himself. He died and was buried in his father’s tomb".(2 Samuel 17)

Nothing can be hidden from the LORD. In a split second he can turn lives around and destroy plans. David was not abandoned by God for he still sought God while Absalom did not.

Obviously, if the plan of Ahithophel had been followed, David would have lost his kingdom.

God's resources are endless. They may come from quarters we do not even consider.

We learn here the important lesson that love for God comes first."Do not love the world or anything that belongs to the world. If you love the world, you do not love the Father." 1.John 2:15, GNB.

Absalom's came to total defeat as he run into David’s troops.

"As Absalom was riding his mule, it went under the thick branches of a large oak tree. Absalom’s head got caught in the tree, and his mule ran out from under him. So Absalom was left hanging above the ground.

"...Joab said, “I won’t waste time here with you!” Absalom was still alive in the oak tree, so Joab took three spears and stabbed him in the heart. Ten young men who carried Joab’s armor also gathered around Absalom and struck him and killed him".(2 Samuel 17)

Absalom's downfall was as a result of his own sin, of his own choices. According to Pastor Chima said; as Christians lets never bite the fingers that fed us.

Lets always be content with what we have and who we are. In God's own time, we will be elevated.

God hates tongues that speak lies. What about you and me? Are we guilty of lying? The truth is that we have all been guilty at one time or another. Have we been forgiven? Have we repented and obeyed God's conditions to forgive us?

Cheers! Please look forward to the concluding part.


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