1. It is a mystery that Christ preached to over 5,000 people without a microphone.
2. In the Bible story in Matthew14: 13-21 about 'Christ feeding the multitude', it can assumed, possibly not everyone in the crowd was in support of Jesus. Some came to observe, some came to confirm the news of Christ power, some where enemies of Jesus who only came to pick his words and report back to the Pharisees Judges. Our Great High Priest, the All Knowing Omniscience knew but nevertheless after the breaking of the bread and fish, He told His disciples "FEED THE PEOPLE", not minding who is who, no discrimination, no high tables, not gender inequality, no class status, no colour or race differentiation. GIVE WITHOUT BIAS.

3.We hear people use the common phrase "I DO NOT HAVE", lets be reminded it was in the breaking of bread and fish, in Christ feeding the multitude that the multiplication began. The miracle actually began after the BREAKING. One of the KINGDOM rules of success, a great mystery too is GIVERS NEVER LACK.

Thank you HOLY SPIRIT for teaching me these great lessons. It is my pleasure to share. God bless you all, through HIS SON JESUS CHRIST.


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