Moses was raised to be a Prince in the Egyptian Chambers, well educated on the laws and
enactments, he became one of the decision makers. He was a royal prince in the Egyptian palace with servants ready to answer his every demand. Yet in his subconscious he felt am emptiness in the inside. Some how he could not explain it, but he preferred to be with the Egyptians slaves - the Israelite. He did not realised he had an identity crisis until he killed an Egyptian for the sake of an Israelite.

Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in 1968, after his death Mrs King did not remarry. In an interview, when asked why she never remarried but rather continued in his revolution, she said: "I was called to be his wife, it was my destiny to stand beside him". Mrs King whose legendary singing voice merited a career of its own but she choose to support the civil rights movement and keeping alive the dream of her martyred husband.

In a conversation with a friend of mine who is a Chef. He told me of how he got a white collar job but he resigned after a month. I was shocked and asked him why he made that decision. He told me, he did not quiet fit because he missed the pots and pans in the Kitchen. He said he resigned because he was not fulfilled.

In life we want A, B,C AND D. Have we asked ourselves, Where do I truly belong?. Some of us are more concerned about how to make a living rather than develop our gift or potentials. I implore you to memorise this Bible quote; "A man’s gift makes room for him and brings him before the great"- Proverbs 18:16.

I end with this  Bible quote, let it be a food for thought. "All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be".- Psalm 139.



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