"I go prepare a place for you, I shall come again and bring you to join me, that where I am you shall be also".- John 14:3

I woke up in the middle of the night to pray but I felt sleepy, with sleepy eyes I moved from the sofa to lay down beside the Altar on my room. In times like this I will simply just place my head on the pillow and begin to pray but on this particular day, my Spirit man who I believe is the Holy Spirit led me to lift up my pillow before laying my head on it. I lifted up the pillow and to my amazement a scorpion was under my. However before I could kill the insect it stung me.

My eyes were alert and I felt pain from the sting, the surface of my finger that was stung got swollen and turn red. Alone in the room, I was scared, unsure if that particular scorpion was the type that carry poison in its mouth. I touched my heart beat, confused and unstable, I began to pray in the words of Hezekiah, reminding the LORD of my devoted service to him. But a still small voice whispered to me, said; "Peter was bitten by a snake but it did not harm him, he shook the serpent into the fire".

I knew it was the Holy Spirit comforting me and assuring me of safety but in my thoughts, I felt unworthy. I searched my heart and in all sincerity, did not think I have given the LORD, Hezekiah's type of service nor am I as perfect as Apostle Peter. I got so scared, told myself, the end has come for me because the neighbours were asleep and at 2am who will open his door for me. So I began to sing praises to the LORD and ask for mercy,  it was at this point my Spirit man instructed me to pick the anointing oil on top of my refrigerator, drink some of it and apply a little on the affected finger. I did just this, sang more praises to God and went back to the sofa to sleep.

The next morning, my eyes were open, they pain had gone, the swell disappeared and the redness vanished. Yes! Can I hear an AMEN! But the LORD was not done with me yet.  There was a lesson to be learnt from this experience, this is where the title of this article was coined from HE IS KING, HE DESERVES THE HIGHEST STANDARD.

Abel understood the supremacy of JEHOVAH he offered not just his first fruit but the best and fattest portion of his first fruit (Genesis 4:4). The Bible story of the Widow's mite (Luke 21:1-4), the widow exalted JESUS as out of her poverty put in all her livelihood in the offering basket. The lady with the Alabaster Jar emptied her most precious perfume on the feet of Jesus (Matthew 2).
Furthermore, the Holy Spirit reminded me of a book, I read some years ago "No More Sheets" by Juanita Bynum. The female gospel author stated that when she realized God was calling her to service, before she meets THE ELOHIM in prayer, she will take a bath and get all dressed up with her best clothes to meet God in prayer. She also stated that, she treated each prayer meeting, special, as though she was actually meeting with the KING OF THE UNIVERSE face to face. The Holy Spirit reminded me, that when I read this chapter, I laughed because I thought it was ridiculous since GOD is SPIRIT. However, this time, the Holy Spirit gave me a clearer insight to understand that 'JEHOVAH', 'THE ELOHIM', 'I AM' is greater than earthly Presidents, Rulers, House of Representative members and Chamber leaders. Actually the Highest leader on planet earth bows to GOD. He said if I will wear my best clothes to meet an earthly President, isn't more expected for THE COMMANDER OF THE UNIVERSE ON EARTH AND IN HEAVEN. He condemned my disrespect in the presence of God. The fact that I cannot see Him does not mean God is not present.

Many times we feel since we cannot see God when we come to Him in prayer, His presence is absent. God is closer than we think,  His Spirit lives in us (1 Corinthians 3:16). Therefore those who come to God must be ready to worship HIM in spirit and in truth, with the best standard, nothing less. "Don't act thoughtlessly, but understand what the Lord wants you to do". Ephesians 5:17.

Are you working in the vineyard of God? Give God your best. In  Malachi 1:14, it is written; for I am a great king," says the LORD Almighty, "and my name is to be feared among the nations. GOD is not a respecter of persons and should be honoured with the highest regard.

The bible verse quoted in the beginning of this article above; Jesus said he is"going to prepare a place" for us.  The LORD used the term 'MANSION' to signify HIGH STANDARD, He did not use the term that signify 'LOWER APARTMENTS' like a one bed room flat or a face-me-I-face you apartment. The Lord said in my Father's house there are many mansion, the book of Revelation reveal each gate is made of pearl, and the streets are made of gold. Since Christ is going to prepare the best for us, why give Him service below standard? Actually the above bible verse means; the LORD is going to bring us into the presence of God. The Greek word translated “house” means “an abode,” literally or figuratively, and, by implication, “a family.” The word translated “mansions” or “rooms” means literally “the act of staying or residing.” Christ is saying, he is preparing a place for us in Heaven where we will dwell with God in close communion with Him. Christians will live in the presence of the Lord. Revelation 7:9 tells us that there will be a "great multitude in heaven that no one could number" all standing before the throne. 

In conclusion, what I learnt from my experience with the scorpion is; to qualify to be in the presence of THE GREAT KING OF THE UNIVERSE, I must give God my best standard of worship.



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