Jesus warned, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions” (Luke 12:15)

 Actually in my lay mind, not as a religious theologian, there are two sides of Ministry. The collection of offering like it was illustrated in the story of the widow's mite and the giving back to community as it was illustrated in Christ compassion to feed the multitude. Therefore, I find it quiet difficult to understand why some ministers keep preaching about MONEY! MONEY! and forget other challenges in life. Some of them talk about the number of CARS and HOUSES they possess but do not mention efforts made to support ORPHANAGE HOMES. Jehovah does not perform a miracle to boast, for when He blesses, He expects you to become a blessing to others. Let our character be the Bible others want to read.

Prosperity sermon claims POVERTY IS A SIN, how can it explain that Lazarus went to Heaven and the rich man settled in Hell(Luke 16:14-31). I agree, when you give, you receive but it should not be treated as a business exchange. The widow in the Bible (Luke 21:1-4) gave her best because CHRIST deserve the best. It saddens my heart to see those who give 300k out of their BILLIONS more appreciated than those who wake up by 6am to clean the Church daily. Do not get me wrong, I like money but should it be a yardstick in the House of God?

Contributions should be made towards the building of Churches to spread the Gospel of Christ. Contributions should be made to support missionaries in various areas in the country. Contributions should be made for the purchase of musical instruments in the Church. All these I can understand but asking people to give solely for the purpose to get more, I truly cannot understand. Love is greater than Money, if we love each other, we will be willing to help each other, rich or poor.

The fact remains whichever we like to view this, God choose His son to be born into a Carpenter's home and not from Ceaser's household. When the message POVERTY IS A SIN is preached, how can the poor in attendance, make their young children understand that they will not go to hell because they are poor. It is a message that obviously makes the poor around us feel inferior. If riches were a reasonable goal for the godly, Jesus would have pursued it. But He did not, preferring instead to have no place to lay His head (Matthew 8:20) and teaching His disciples to do the same. It should also be remembered that the only disciple concerned with wealth was Judas.

The scripture states; "seek first the kingdom of God and all shall be added to thee"(Matthew 6:33).  This is an assurance that God takes care of His own. Wealth is a relative term, some may define it to mean possession of hundreds of houses and cars, some may define it as been able to provide the basic needs of life (food, clothing and shelter). Nevertheless contentment is a great gain.

After the death of Judas, Mathias was chosen to replace him. Never was it mentioned that Mathias was chosen base on his wealth or what he possess. Neither was he chosen because of his sang best or had great eloquence. It can be assumed, he was chosen based on his faithfulness and consistence. The Bible did not record he ever preached but one can assume, he faithfully followed the disciples and anytime a person was in doubt of Christ existence, he will simply say; I am a witness to Jesus Christ miracles.  A man with experience is never at the mercy of a man in an argument.

The Elohim is looking for people who will stay with him, no matter the circumstance. Especially in times when we feel CHRIST exited the building or when CHRIST is silent. Those who can hang tough even under pressure.

Prosperity teaching prohibits God from working on His own, meaning that God is not Lord of all because He cannot work until we release Him to do so. Jesus said, “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal” (Matthew 6:19). The irreconcilable contradictions between prosperity teaching and the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ is best summed up in the words of Jesus in Matthew 6:24, “You cannot serve both God and money.”




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