Favor in the famine

Good morning! Learn to be content in whatever state you are in! There is favor in your famine!
As Paul sits in prison, he tells us in Philippians 4:11- Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content. He was wrongfully accused and imprisoned, but he did not let the circumstances get in the way of his relationship with God. He had the kind of trust in God that no matter the state of his life, he did not alter his perspective on the outcome. Being content means to be satisfied. It's a sense of inner peace that comes from being right with God and knowing that He is in control of all that happens in your life.

No matter what state you are in, learn to be satisfied.Learn to see the silver lining in the state, it's all in  your perspective. Often times we get so blindsided by

what we see in others lives that we miss the blessings in our situations.There is peace in your current state. There is joy, strength, hope, goodness, kindness faithfulness and life in your current state. No matter if you are up or down, whether you have a high or low moment, seek happiness and joy in that state. If you walk in the spirit with God, you will see that you can do all things thru Christ who strengthens you. Philippians 4:13.

No matter what happens to you or what others do to you, hold on to the assurance that the Lord is for you and will not leave or forsake you. According to the word of

God, he says: Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." -Hebrews 13:5

You can practice contentment by doing the following:
1) Don't take your current state for granted. Be grateful.
2) Don't make comparisons. Focus on the uniqueness of your state in a positive way.
3) Adjust your perceptions. Your attitude truly determines your altitude.
3) Accept and embrace your current state. There is a blessing in your state. You have favor!

Be content in your current state!
There is favor in the famine, you the Key Man in the Key Plan.



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