Success is irrelevant to purpose.
Yes money does provide and takes care of your needs. It is said that money makes the world go round. But money should not define you. Many men are respected for what they have, not for who they are.

The book of Genesis describes that the climax of God’s creative work was His extraordinary creation of man. He distinguished man from all other creatures. When God created Man, He did not just breath in oxygen, God breathed His own breath of life into man. Man is more than “dust” or physical substance. Man has a spirit. God is the source of life, and He directly placed life within man. This breath of life is seen again in John 20:22, as Jesus imparts new life to His disciples. The breath of God, is the life and power of God, given to man to animate him. He breathed  in  life filled with power, authority, potentials and so much more.

Therefore it will be wrong for man to equate himself base on money and material things. Human begins where not purchased to be created, Gen. 1: 26 states that God gave man dominion. This dominion which is our heritage was actually given before money was invented. Money is actually man-made. For money to define an individual, it erases the person's God-given potentials and capabilities.

Your innate potentials is priceless. Money cannot define or bring you down. You may be driving a Phantom or Rolls Royce car but it does not measure up to who you are and who you will become. Many have moved from grace to grass and grass to grace. It is what you have within that produces successful.

A highly paid job does not bring happiness though it may amount to some sort of security but it does not bring fulfillment. The truth is, even if you are sitting on-top of the world, if your life is not in order, you feel discomfort.

Man was created in the image of God refers to the immaterial part of man. It sets man apart from the animal world, fits him for the dominion God intended him to have over the earth (Genesis 1:28), and enables him to commune with his Maker. It is a likeness mentally, morally, and socially.

Money could intimidate people around you but if you are looking for a particular status to give you identity, then you are not worth much. Popularity is not your identity, Love is your identity. If you are seeking a particular status to identify you, that is not success. You cannot climb up to find yourself, you have to find yourself to climb up. The ultimate question is, who are you at this very moment.

A Confession of Faith:
"I'm not what I do. I'm not what I have. I'm not what people say about me. I am the beloved of God. It's who I am. No one can take it from me. I don't have to worry. I don't have to hurry. I can trust my friend Jesus and share his love with the world."-Bobby Schuller

Success does not define you, you define success - Hazel Breen. 

Jesus said in John 7:38;"Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them." Dearly beloved your worth is Christ in you. It is not found in things around you.The KING OF THE UNIVERSE owns the universe, He is beyond this world. It is important you understand you are a Son of the King therefore whatever you put your best in, will turn to gold.

You are worth much more than the big mansion, the bosh car, the private jet, fleet of cars and all your business establishments in Dubai and around the world. You are also not defined by them. Money is just a tool that God uses to bless us. Do not set out to make money; set out to impart in the lives of others. Money cannot accompany you to the grave but a good name outlives the bearer.

The people that know their God shall do exploit (Daniel 11:32).


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