The Israelite were thirsty and the Lord told Moses to speak to the rock but he struck the rock twice (Numbers 20:11) and water gushed out.
Though it produced result but it was not Godly because he acted in disobedience and the Lord stopped him from going into the promise land.

Honesty is not the best policy, it is the only policy. Those who make Forbes list, are those with integrity. So cheat as much as you want but you will only see wealth, you will not enter the promise land. The promise land in this context is fulfilled life, a provision that never ceases.

It is commonly said that results cancel insults. So in order to prove your value to another you work hard to shine out. However, its the trick of the devil when your motivation is channeled at self approval or proving a point to people. No result can be more evidential than the one Jesus did at the cross. How can you prove success to the enemy if Christ Himself has granted you success? Apostle Paul said in Galatians 1:10;"Obviously 1'm not trying to win the approval of people, but of God. If pleasing people were my goal, I would not be Christ's servant. He also called himself; 'a bound servant'(Romans 1:1).' Bound servant is the translation of a Greek word doulos,  which means 'at the disposal of his master, a slave'. Since we are children of God, Apostle Paul in the biblical context meant total subjection to God in Christ Jesus. Metaphorically to someone absolutely devoted to Jesus.

In the new testament Jesus said many will come in my name and say; 'we prophesy in your name, we performed a lot of miracles in your name but Jesus replied, I know you not, you wicked generation. Therefore, a man's accomplishment is not determined by how many real estates he has acquired or the multitude of his congregation. Even night clubs, cinema and beer palours are occupied with a large crowd of people. Am not against hard work because it is written; a lazy man should not eat but it should not be channeled to proving a point to anyone. Let your work be your passion but let the joy of the Lord be your motivation. Moses struck the rock instead of speaking to it because he was frustrated by the people.  But he lost the vision when the people became his motivation not God. He was supposed to be responsible to God above man.

Life is not centered on self recognition, it is centered on pleasing God. Our role model is Jesus and He can out give whatever a thief steals.

Thank you Holy Spirit.



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