No love like Jehovah

QUOTE: “God will not look you over for medals, degrees or diplomas but for scars.” ― Elbert Hubbard.

A close friend of mine got married, had a kid and sent his family abroad for greener pasture. He worked harder to join them with the intention to start a business abroad. 

Unfortunately, after a year, his wife told him she fell inlove with someone else abroad and she wants a divorce, the news pushed him into an early grave.

If you live for man's approval, you will die from their rejection. Man is deficient by design, only God loves perfectly.

Whether you gain or lose, man is not defined by what he possesses. Everything is temporal, naked you came, naked you return.  One can lose a family, lose a business establishment, lose a love one, lose a job or even get heart broken but those things do not define you. Where men put a full stop, GOD begins a new sentence.

One of the reasons we have high rate of suicide, divorces, depression and emotional insanity is because we gives those things first place above God. Do not glorify the gift above the giver. If you lose it, move forward. The live giver rules always. The Bible story of Job is a typical example that Jehovah restores over and above.
Thank you Holy Spirit.


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