I'm convinced sometimes we just got to get out of the way and let God be God, and stop sabotaging our blessings he has in store for us!

So many times we think if we don't work hard enough, or perform well enough, or we don't do XYZ that we're somehow going to miss out on God's best for us.

We make like God doesn't really want to bless us, so we have to work hard and do all our exercises, and chores, and routines just so that God will be "good" to us.

The truth is God already wants to bless us.

It's his heart's desire to pour out his blessings to his children, and to do so abundantly.

All that focus on performing and working leads to such striving.

We've all been there.

But really is this the way the children of the king should behave?

Should we have such strife, and even fear, in our hearts that if we don't work hard our father is not going to bless us?

The reality is God desperately wants to bless us, and if we allow him to, and let him do his thing, all by himself, without any of our "help", he will pour out such blessings that we cannot hold them all (which means we'll have to give them away and share them with others).

So kick back, and relax, and quit striving, or at least reduce the strife in your life for fear that if you don't hit the mark God's not going to bless you.

The truth is, you could be blocking some of God's blessings, and missing out by being so caught up in all that stuff occupying your time.

Sometimes we just got to get out of the way and let God be God, and stop sabotaging all the blessings he has in store for us!

Blessings to you.

-  Neil Vermillion


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