How to Love your enemies

 Don't worry about it. It has nothing to do with you. Love them patiently even though they're guarded.

Perhaps the hardest thing for us to experience is rejection, especially from someone we love and/or care about.

Sometimes we blow it, other times we don't do anything wrong, but yet we are pushed away for whatever reason.

Sometimes people just don't know how to receive love, so they push you away.

Other times people don't know how to give love.

In spite of all our faults and flaws we have as individuals, the beauty of it lies in the truth that we are all supremely and unconditionally loved.

So when you experience rejection of one sort or another, remember two things:

1) Those people rejecting you are doing the best they can with what they have, with where they're at.

2) God loves you unconditionally, so no matter what human rejects you, you can be confident that you are still loved.

The unfortunate truth is some people are guarded.

Don't worry about it.

It has nothing to do with you.

Do your best to love them patiently even though they're guarded.

- Neil Vermillion


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