Limiting Beliefs That Hold You Back From The Next Level (1)

John 8:36 - So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.
God does not want us in bondage to anything, but to be free, no matter where on earth we live or what government we live under, Jesus has set you free from every oppression of the enemy.

However, the devil - Lucifer himself is behind every bondage humans face because he does not
want us to exercise our dominion.

Lucifer deceived Adam and he sold his dominion to him but Christ came to set us free.

Nevertheless, the devil would like nothing better than to keep oppressing and afflicting mankind until he destroys them because he is a thief, murderer, and destroyer, all rolled up in one. So he plays tricks with our mind to stop us from going into our next level. Here are some limiting factors below;

1. Undeserving: We are made in the image of God and when God created man, He did not just breath in oxygen, he gave man potentials that look like Him.We are born of the Creator of the universe, the Elohim himself but unfortunately sometimes the pressure coming from peers, family, work, and society in general is enough to make us feel completely broken inside.  If we don’t have the “right” job, relationship, lifestyle, and so forth, by a certain age or time-frame, we assume we’re just “not good enough.”  

Lets be comforted in these words from 1 Peter 2:9: "Ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation,a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light".  The life of God inside of you can bring something great out of nothing and take you to your next level.

2. Ordinary: It is easier to settle with the crowd because we get a feeling of security from fitting in.

More so we do not want to be a target, so we run away from been extra-ordinary.

We all want to fit in, and Christian brethen are no exception. But we open ourselves to trouble when we want to fit in so badly that we leave our Christian beliefs behind. Because of the fear of disassociation, we can't seem to muster up whatever it takes to say, "Nah. That's not right and I'm not going to do it."

But when the Lord singles you out, its for a purpose and it does not matter who is against you, you must do your assignment.

We need to understand the devil never attacks his family member, if the enemy attacks you, its because there is something about you that can change the world.

Obedience to God is greater than obedience to men because God will never let you down but men can.

We need to stand for what is right to get to the next level.

3. Social Change: Watch out for the 'WE' because people will control you with the 'WE' and you will miss your opportunity trying to be loyal to the 'WE'. Instead of taking your rightful place of destiny you settle for less because you want people to like and accept you.

In Job 13:15, Job declares, “Though he slay me, yet will I hope in him.” Because Job realizes that it is the Lord alone that holds the “keys of death” (Revelation 1:18). Nothing can shake the faith of someone so grounded in the goodness and glory of God.

Who said society knows best? What proof is there that modern culture is getting it right? The challenge in life is not to run with the pack, but to have enough guts to let God set you apart. If you think following Christ would cramp your style today, think about an eternity in hell.

In that story of Job we come to learn that Job may not understand what is happening to him and why, but he knows that God is good, loving, and trustworthy.

The social environment is not a substance. To get to the next level we need to understand you and I make up the social environment and what we do counts.

Part 2 coming soon.


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