Limiting Beliefs That Hold You Back From The Next Level (2)

"My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge". - Hosea 4:6

We are not orphans, whether your parents are physically alive or not, we belong to God. We are loved by a loved God. And His greatness is in our DNA.

People fail because they do not know their identity. Your identity is found in Christ. We are co- heirs with Him. This means you can do what he can do. The coming of Jesus Christ illustrates God’s love to the fullest degree. Because of Christ, there is no need for anyone ever again to be “destroyed from a lack of knowledge.”

However here are some psychological beliefs that limit us from possessing our heritage in Christ:

4. Fleeting: There are people who experience extreme physical and psychological distress over a failed past activity. They suffer performance anxiety, because their last relationship failed,they fear the next one will not last.They lost their last job and they are afraid they will fail when the next job comes. 

Some worry for weeks, even months in advance. Others suffer full blown panic attacks at the mere thought of repeating a task they previously failed in. They thereby lose confidence in themselves and do not have the courage to step into the next level. The Bibles in Romans 1:17 states; " The just shall live by faith". Failure is not a person, its an event. When God said He will bless you, He knew your past and present circumstance but He said he will bless you anyway.

When you know who you are in Christ you will take charge. Faith isn't getting it right, faith is the confidence you have in God that no matter what comes, God is in control. Your daddy is watching over you and he will turn your ashes to beauty.

Nothing you go through is wasted and nothing great is nurtured suddenly. For instance, David took care of his father's folk of sheep, he was not a war warrior like his other brothers but right there in the field God was training a warrior. The Bible states that; David protected his father's sheep from a lion and a bear (1 Samuel 17:34). A man who could fight the most dangerous wild beast will not be afraid to fight any human warrior. This gave him the confident to challenge Goliath.

5. Perfectionism:  Peter's first encounter with Jesus led to a miraculous large number of fish catch but when Peter saw the power to bless him, he expressed his imperfection. "He got down at the feet of Jesus. He said, “Go away from me, Lord, because I am a sinful man.”- Luke 5:8. Peter was imprisoned by his imperfections.

One of the factors that limit us from stepping into the next level is the fear, others will see our imperfections. So you convince people you are not perfect and forget the fact that no one is perfect. We are been conformed to the image of Jesus and this is a process.

God does not call the glorified, He glorifies the call.

When Jesus called the 12 disciples, most of them were not even educated. Yet, Jesus equipped them and they carried out great exploits in the world.

More so, in Paul's letter to the Corinthians (1 Corth.1:26), he told them: “not many of you were wise according to worldly standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth.” But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are.

Brethren, just hearken to His voice and He will bring a super natural transformation that would turn you into another man to the amazement of all.



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