Overcome Depression 5 - Why Should We Wait?

The Bible states in Romans 4:20, Abraham never wavered in believing God's promise. Beloved, we did not get to this world by accident, the Creator has a purpose and we must trust Him for the outcome. God works everything according to His purpose.

However, its not unusual to get tired waiting but lets learn form Abraham, in Roman 4:19 the Bibles states that "without weakening in his faith, he faced the fact that his body was as good as dead--since he was about a hundred years old--and that Sarah's womb was also dead". Abraham had an unshakable faith in God. He knew he was not orphan in the spirit, he also had total confidence that a good father will not give his son, stone when he ask for bread. 

Our Father cannot abandon us, this is a fact no matter the circumstances we find our selves in. He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will(Ephesians 1:5). 

We may get tired of waiting and tempted to give up but I assume the enemy tempted Abraham too and may have told him: 'You are weak and Sahara's womb is dead' but I assume Abraham said: 'I DON'T CARE HOW LONG IT TAKES, I DON'T MIND WAITING ON THE LORD'.

The King of glory is not a man that He should lie. When Lazarus died, Mary said; Master, if you had been here," she said, "my brother would not have died"(JOHN 11:1-45), but the good-news is though Jesus did not come immediately but he did come, he did not fail and Lazarus was risen from the dead. Time does not matter when God is involved. This story proves to us that nothing can separate us from the love of God, not even time.

Sometimes when you tell a kid to sit still, he gets uncomfortable after a few minutes and starts moving his shoulders around, this is what we do in the Spirit because we get impatient. We feel God is taking too long but the Lord wants us to trust Him.

You say: 'God you are taking so long when will you answer my prayers, show these people what you showed me. They have no regard for me'.
But God says: 'I know, WAIT'.
You reply: 'I do not want to wait, tell the people how amazing I am'.
But God says: 'I need you to wait'.
But you insist: 'Why! Nobody had to wait'.
And God says: ' Jesus did'.

Yes beloved, Jesus did. When Jesus was born can anyone tell me was he less God when he was a baby than when he was announced in Matthew chapter 3.

Jesus was God as a baby, he was God in diapers, he was God at 4 years old, he was God at 7 years old, he was God at 19 years old, He was God at 23 but when did God announce His Son to the earth, He was 30!.

Thirty years of preparation, for 3 years of public ministry for 3 hours of purpose. From the 6th hour until the 9th hour Jesus hang on the cross but no one in the crowd knew he was the Son of God. He was not even announced or even allowed to walk into his ministry for 30 years, he had to wait. So if the Son of God had to wait, what makes you think, you don't have to wait.

There is a lot to learn from this particular definition of patience and perseverance -"Patience is a willingness to surrender our will over to God regardless the outcome. Perseverance is faith on action". -Walter Kahler.

Beloved, there is a seed time and a harvest time. Sometimes the Lord is preparing you. A cup of tea with sugar in it cannot get its sweetness until it is steered with a spoon. God is stirring you to greatness. He has a big plan for you and He is guiding your steps into it. Regardless of how you feel or you see, we need to trust that he who began the good work will not quit until it is completed.



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