You are wonderfully complex (Psalm 139:14)

The same God who created the Ant created the Lion.

God made us different on purpose.

He leads us to people who have strengths or weakness different from ours.

So don't look down on people who do not have the same strengths and morals as you have.

Just accept them for who they are, this is true maturity.

Give people room to be imperfect and focus on their good qualities.

Love is accepting that no one is perfect.

Accepting imperfections set you free from complete dependence on others.

Be patient with everyone including yourself, we are all undergoing a process.

"Failure is an event not a person". -Pastor Patrick Chima

The Bible story of Queen Esther (Esther 1-7), taught me, the heart of Kings are in God's hands. Though his anger rose but the Lord soften it towards her.

In the LORD's hand the king's heart is a stream of water that he channels toward all who please him.-Proverbs 21:1

Just speak to the Holy Spirit about an individual, trust His leading and He will fix what we cannot.

Queen Esther’s Prayer  
Esther C: 14-25, 14:4-9

“My Lord, our King, You alone are our God. Please help me, for I am alone and I have no one else but You to turn to; my life is in danger. As a child I was always told by the people of the land of my forefathers that You, O Lord, chose Israel from among all peoples and designated our fathers from among all their ancestors as a perpetual heritage,and that all of Your promises to them were fulfilled. Now, however, we have sinned in Your sight by worshiping the gods of our enemies, and You have delivered us into their hands because You are just, O Lord …Do not forget us, O Lord. Be present to us in the time of our distress and grant me courage,O King of gods and Ruler of every earthly power …Save us by Your power, and come to my aid, for I am alone and have no one but You on whom to depend, O Lord.”



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