
QUOTE: Come to me all ye who are heavily burden and I shall give you rest (Matthew 11:28).

A Workaholic is a person who compulsively works excessively hard and long hours. Psalm 127 reminds us that if we are building our kingdom without God, we will be laboring in vain.

"Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain. It is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil; for he gives to his beloved sleep".

The Bible use the word 'Unless' which means the same as if...not. If we do not invite God we labour in vain. And God wants us to find rest in him. Hard work cannot be undermined but by working longer hours  we trust in our abilities and not in the Lord. If we are building God’s kingdom, there is nothing ever to worry about, because God is in control. Our worry and anxiety reveal our concern is for the wrong kingdom.

In the creation story; on the seventh day God rested. He did not rest because He was tired. Rather the Lord teaches that everything must be done in moderation.

Likewise in Mark 6:31, Jesus told His disciples; "come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest". He understood there is a time to rest and communicate with his followers. The King of kings had his own quiet time and rested. Workaholics deny those around them the opportunity to enjoy their presence. And working for longer hours is harmful to your health and can destroy any meaningful human relationship.

There are times you think you need to work extra to earn a living but be reminded Jesus during his earthly ministry slept in the storm. His disciples where apprehensive but he was sleeping because he who count the clouds is his Father. Trust God to do what you cannot. The world around me may be collapsing, but I can lay my head down knowing God is in control and my life is in his hands.

CONFESSION: When I am down to nothing, my Lord is up to something greater.


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