Jehovah Loves Late Comers

True love is like the Sun, always shinning.

In Matthew 20: 1-16, we read the Parable of the workers in the field. There were labourers working in the field and then some others came later and joined them but at the end of the service, the Landlord paid both those who came earlier and later the same amount. When they grumbled, the Landlord condemned their act, he said: ‘I am not being unfair to you, friend... Don’t I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are you envious because I am generous?’

Like wise in the Parable of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15:11-32, though the older brother has always been by the side of his father faithfully, nevertheless when the Prodigal Son realised his mistake, the Scripture states; his father approached him from afar with joy with open arms. The father threw a big banquet to celebrate his lost and now found son. The older son was angry and said: ‘Look! All these years I’ve been slaving for you and never disobeyed your orders. Yet you never gave me even a young goat so I could celebrate with my friends. 30 But when this son of yours who has squandered your property with prostitutes comes home, you kill the fattened calf for him!’ 

In both of these above mentioned parables, the Holy Spirit showed me that Jesus Christ used these parables to illustrate, there are no latecomers in the Kingdom of God. It his desire that all men come back to him. There is no competition and the Children of God should not live to outshine each other. Is God unfair, NO! We must understand life is not about a test of wits or survival of the fittest.

The journey of life is like a marathon race, for unbelievers when your brother falls, they step on him to get to the top but for believers in Christ, you stop to dust your brother because you are accountable to JEHOVAH. Stars don't struggle to shine. To approach everyone and everything with compassion and caring concern is to recognise the common divinity we all share. There are no strangers, Heaven is not for you and your family alone. Christ came for everyone and it is his desire we are all his disciples. A good Christian  share the same goal as Christ, he is excited over the conversion of his brother.

Furthermore, Jesus was in a city and someone else was casting out demons in his name, the disciples stopped the person but Christ said 'HE IS FOR US, HE IS NOT AGAINST US'. Christ was not self- seeking. We are all one body in Christ. An eye cannot tell the mouth you are of no good use to me. We complete each other.

According to Dr. Brain Weiss - "When we look into the eyes of another, any other, and you see your own soul looking back at you, then you will know you have reached another level of consciousness". 

It is written there is joy in Heaven over one repentant sinner. One of the reasons, David was a man after God's heart, is he protected the sheep with his life. If one goes astray, he will go in search of the lost one. Definately, if a man can take that kind of risk for an animal, he would do much more for human beings.

We come into this world with nothing and we shall live with nothing but  a good name outlives the bearer. It is immortalized. Let the joy of the LORD be your strength, the only price in life is to please God. Everything will fade, Legacy remains.


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