We are all Visitors

One day some of us will be isolated in a place called grave. The coffin is so unique that it is built for one person alone.
Oxygen will cease and the human body lays lifeless. Mission accomplished for some while others unsettled.

Everyone has a purpose in this world; death is clear evidence that Planet Earth is not our home. Therefore no matter how large your estate is or how large your family members are, we are all visitors sent on a mission. We did not come to pass time or occupy space. We also did not come to prove a point to anyone.

The Bible starts with a Paradise with God and ends with Paradise with God. Have we asked why?

Furthermore, there are some of us who are blessed to have spouses and children who give us great love before we get to Heaven to experience God’s perfect love. But the fact remains no love can be compared to the love of Christ. No matter how loving a spouse is and how firm his grip is at night, he will eventually sleep off. And that grip will loosen, but our Divine Insomnia keeps vigil for us. He remains awake when you are restless, depressed and can’t sleep. Sometimes we try to be strong for our children, family and friends and hide our pains but only God can tell how you feel. God cares so much about you even when your lips don't move; He hears your heart cry. The Holy Spirit smoothens our pains because indeed in Him we are never alone.

In the book of John in the Bible; John 14:23-Jesus replied, "Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them”. Christianity is a relationship not a religion. The entire Bible speaks of two things; loving God and others. We do not lose anything loving God rather he helps us love others as Christ loves us.

One of the reasons for an increasing rate of divorce is the dependence of a partner on another for perfect love. Only God is without blemish, no one can rival HIM. He cannot share HIS glory with man. A faithful Christian directs a love one to Christ not himself. You cannot worship an Idol over God. When God is the first in line everything else falls in place.

We hear people say this after a disappointment; ‘how can Adam do this to me?’ The question should be; ‘isn’t Adam flesh and blood?’ Man too can be tempted; he has challenges and weakness too. This does not excuse an offense but urge you to expect less from people; we are here for each other. Therefore we should not put on too much weight on them, be more tolerant, patient and forgiving. Be what you want another to be. God alone is OMNIPOTENT.

We are all visitors in this world, no matter how careful you are, one day you will leave your love ones or they will leave us, whichever way. Life is all about the legacy you live behind. It’s not about their reaction to you. It’s about the awareness of who you are in Christ. Be Christ representative. Let His perfect love complete you alone. Let His love overcome your pain and give you the grace to love others. Because Christ loves you, love others, that is what I mean.

The purpose of life is not about you but about God. The pressure to continue the ministry of Jesus in a sinful world filled with rejection, betrayal and hate is tough when you depend on you.  We have to stop letting our feelings dictate what we should do. We should do what is right not because we want the right results; do what is right because we love God. Have a relationship with HIM and He will give you rest. Do not just go to Church to hear about HIM let the Church come to you.

Once again, in John 14: 23; Jesus replied, "Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them”.  Do not get worried over anyone standing for you. God stands for you. When it all boils down, you have JESUS CHRIST. Even when you look like a loser, God is still there. When you experience this over whelming love of God, all you want to do is respond to HIM and show others how good it feels.

God is love; HIS plan for your life is to love HIM and humanity not chasing after things. Discover your purpose, live a legacy and depart smiling.



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