In Genesis 21; when Father Abraham was told his wife Sarah will bear a child,
he believed and probably, kept sleeping with his wife. However, Sarah was in doubt and laughed over the issue, because she was above the age of child bearing but Abraham put his trust in God's words. Great peace comes when you do not question God's promises even if it violates natural law.

The Parable of the Prodigal Son is found in Luke chapter 15, verses 11-32. The main character in the parable, the forgiving father, whose character remains constant throughout the story, is a picture of God. In telling the story, Jesus identifies Himself with God in His loving attitude to the lost. The younger son symbolizes the lost (the tax collectors and sinners of that day, Luke 15:1), and the elder brother represents the self-righteous (the Pharisees and teachers of the law of that day, Luke 15:2). The father was glad to have his son back regardless of the boy's mistakes. All that mattered is that his son who was lost is now found. But the boy's brother did not share this joy because he was more interested in the past bad behaviour than in the survival of his brother.

More so, the Bible states that the brother was troubled, he had no peace because of his self righteous belief. To live in GREAT PEACE, you have to understand what matters the most. In this case, what mattered the most is the safe arrival of  the prodigal son.We see in this story the graciousness of the father overshadowing the sinfulness of the son, as it is the memory of the father’s goodness that brings the prodigal son to repentance (Romans 2:4).

Sometimes we panic when we do not get want we want. The prodigal son thought his satisfaction will come from wealth but it did not. Luke 12:15 states, “watch out! be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.” Money can buy you a million dollar bed but it cannot buy sleep. GREAT PEACE comes from contentment. Satisfaction can only come from the one who created Man. Be reminded that all things work for you for those who trust God. There is no need to be troubled over things which will work itself out.

Everything that attacks you, is because of your position. We do not serve a God of accidents, we serve a God of purpose. You are positioned for greatness, these things propel you to greatness.

Beloved do not be troubled over the underachieved dream, the dream has its own eyes because it comes from a divine place. All things in Heaven and on earth find its manifestation through Christ and Jesus lives in you. Therefore a life without Christ will be full of crisis.

Until you stop comparing yourself with others, you will never be able to see what God has for you. If you are not grateful to God for His purpose in your life, you will never find true peace. Just remain in your position, whether it seems dark or there is sunshine, you have to keep trusting God and you will be at peace.



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