We are complete in Christ

"And ye are complete in him..."- Colossians 2:10.
It is easy to be addicted to compliments but we should not rely on people's approval. Your value is not from another person, it comes from the Creator.  Paul teaches in the above verse that we are “complete in Him,” meaning Christ.

We not need to rely on other people to make us happy. Apostle Peter loved Jesus Christ and was always there for Him but when Jesus needed Him the most at the cross, Peter was not there and he denied Jesus three times. Beloved those that celebrate you can also turn around and mock you. Only God sticks till the end. God can lead us to kind people but it is important to understand that human beings are not all together perfect. Sometimes your loveone may be in a bad mood or had a hard day at workplace and may want to be left alone. Everyone has his or her challenges once in while therefore and it will be totally unfair to give someone else the burden or responsibility to always make you happy, its selfish. No one is responsible for your happiness, do not put that extra pressure on them.

People may make you feel special and you will feel special but if you are always depending on someone to make you happy, you become needy and insecure. We are complete in Christ. Life is dependent on what God thinks about you. When you know the Creator of the universe has His Spirit in you and approves you, you should live with your head high. We are self sufficient in Christ sufficiency.

You should not depend on people's applause, you need God's applause. And the Lord will turn the hearts of men for your sake. The Bible states; that when a man's ways pleases the Lord, He will cause even His enemies to be at peace with Him (Prov.16:7). Promotion does not come from people it comes from God.
The truth is, no one can meet all your needs only God can. Therefore the right attitude is; 'no one owes you anything, you are self- sufficient in Christ'. To expect another person to make you feel happy, secure and fulfilled will leave you disappointed at best and disillusioned at worst. Even a great husband makes a very poor God. Only God Himself can settle those deep heart-needs. Our key verse, Philippians 4:19 reminds us of this, “And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.”If a husband could meet every need his wife had, we’d have no need for God. Therefore, instead of just focusing on finding the right partner, let God work on your heart to help you become the right partner. Marriage is a decision to honour God by honouring the one He has entrusted you.

Our goal as Christians is not to feel loved but to be what we want another to be. God has got your back so you need to be a reflection of Him. Love is more of a decision you make than a feeling you feel. If you are looking for love then -  “delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart” (Psalm 37:4). We are complete in Christ, He is our only source of true joy. Humans are created to be exhausted and sleep off but God's hands comforts even when we are asleep.

No human being can make you whole, only God can. Quit getting people to apologize to you for not giving you what Christ has already provided. Go to God.



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