The answer is inside you

Japheth was born by a prostitute, the book of Judges in the eleventh chapter states that
because his illegitimate status, he was denied any inheritance in his family but God did not reject him. Japheth was born with potentials, he discover the warrior in him and God granted him triumph over the Ammonites. The point here is no one is useless, it does not matter you background we are not defined by them. We are defined by what we make out of what God has given us.

Hannah is the wife of Elkanah mentioned in the Books of Samuel.She desperately desired a child but could not conceive. To make matters worse, Peninnah taunted Hannah concerning her barrenness. “The bows of the mighty are broken,” she says, “but the feeble bind on strength” (verse 4). She begins her prayer with “My heart exults in the Lord; my strength is exalted in the Lord.” Hannah recognized that her strength came from God and not from herself. She was not proud in her strength but rejoiced in God’s ability to make a weakling strong. Everyone experiences grief sometimes, Yes, but be sure, God's reign touches human hearts. The answer is inside us. Prophet Eli located that power in Hannah and it was awakened.

This is your year of YES. Doors you thought where closed will open this year. People may tell you NO but their know does not cancel God's plans. God will put you at the right place at the right time. All Hannah heard was the promise from Prophet Eli, there was no ultrasound to prove it and she tapped into it.

Furthermore we have a better covenant now because your YES is inside of you. If you put your YES on God's YES He will turn your Yes around.

Jesus came to save us and enable us discover there is power within. He healed the sick, resurrected the dead, casted out demons and so much more. And he did not leave us alone, left us with His Spirit. The Bible states in Romans 8:11 - "And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you". Christ has risen from the dead! And because He lives, Jesus living in us today listens through our ears and hears the plaintive cry of the world’s needs. What He did on earth we can do because His Spirit lives in us.

The dream God has for you has already been stamped with your YES. Other people's NO do not matter because God controls the universe, one touch of His favour can turn a No to a Yes. Sometimes you have to get to your closed doors to get to your open doors.God will open doors no man can shut, He will bring DIVINE connections that will lead you to a profit your mouth cannot finish in Jesus Christ name.



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