Can you define Love?
God will sometimes bring you into a relationship with someone who has different views from yours.
The goal is to conform us to the image of Christ (Romans 8:28-29).
Romans 8:28-29
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters".
(a) His Unconditional love.
(b) His Mercy.
(c) His Grace.
How would you learn unconditional love if you are with someone who met all your conditions every time? How will you learn mercy if the person never failed you? How will you learn grace if your mate is always deserving?
In John 21: 15-17, the Lord asked Peter, do you love me and Peter said yes, but the Lord repeated the question three times. What I find very interesting is, Jesus did not say prove your love to me, rather His response was, if you love me take care of those I have entrusted in your hands.
Jesus gave Peter a three-fold command to “feed my sheep” in John 21:15-17. Each time Jesus said, “Feed my sheep,” it was in response to Peter’s three-fold declaration of love for Jesus. Therefore the continual action to nourish and care for people, bringing them into the fullness of spiritual maturity is our sole goal as Christians.
Though many Schools of thought have different definitions for love. The new covenant commandment instructs Christians to give love not to seek it.
Adam loved Eve, he expressed it when he ate the forbidden apple but that act displeased God. God is love, love is not God. The true meaning of Love can only be defined by the originator, God Himself.
Another spelling for CHRISTIAN is HURT. Jesus went about doing good but He was betrayed and abandoned yet He forgave all.
Are you more like Christ when you love your mate in his weakness or are you more like Christ when you punish your mate?
Another question is, can anyone meet all your standards and can you meet all the standards of your mate or friend?
Furthermore, when Jesus met with Saul, Jesus spoke to Saul, asking him, “Why are you persecuting me?”(Acts 9;4). Saul killed Christians, he never meet Jesus in person but Jesus associated these Christians as himself. Saul’s persecution is the persecution of Jesus, whom he does not even recognize. This implies the way you treat others is the same way you treat Jesus.
Saul learns in this encounter that Jesus is genuinely present amongst the brothers and sisters of the early Church.
Paul's conversion is a typical example of the message of forgiveness of sins. Paul’s encounter with Christ express where God works and how God works in each of us. If the persecuted Christians in the early Church earnestly prayed for the death of Saul, he may not have become Apostle Paul, God's servant to the Gentiles and the Prophet of the grace message.
The Spirit of Lord taught me, sometimes an enemy could one day be a saviour. We need to be patient with people.
Finally, Jesus questions Saul, he does not demand of him that he stop his persecution, but he asks him, why?What is your purpose? What is your aim? What is your goal? A question Saul could not answer. Similarly, at the Cross, Jesus said; "Father forgive them for they do not know what they do"(Luke 23:34). It can therefore be assumed, those who persecute us, do not have the right wisdom behind their actions because if you have an understanding in God's word, you will love. Lets be patient with them and let our characters led them to the full maturity in Christ.
God help us become like the God we worship.
Holy Spirit thank you.
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