To belittle, you have to be little

A very rich man hated his mom because she had one eye. His children always laughed at her, he also did too.
She visited them one day, the man kicked her out screaming, " Go back to your place, don't ever come here again with your one eye" (he said).

His mom went back with broken heart, crying.

One day the man decided to visit her, his mom's shack was locked, there was no one inside! He asked her neighbour:
Where is my mom? He gave him a letter written as follows: My son, i know that you hated me so much, but i love you so much that’s why I GAVE YOU MY EYE, i couldn't watch you
Grow with One eye, I love you son".

The man asked the neighbour again: (with tears) Where is she???
Neighbour replied: She passed away last year December.


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