Don't Give Up Yet

 “Let us not see today's troubles as a reason to give up; let us see them as an opportunity for God to deliver.” ― Dillon Burroughs

“It's always to soon to quit!”
― Norman Vincent Peale

Don't pack up your bags just because things aren't going the way you planned, don't give up just because it rained on your parade sometimes you can't see the blessings that come along with little challenges just because you think good things always come smoothly.

No! Sometimes good things take time, and the reward that comes with hard work tastes even sweeter; ever heard the saying 'easy come, easy go'? Don't give up over little stumbling blocks, show God how much you really want that thing, let Him see your faith and He will come through for you even above your expectations. He can!

No wonder most times, before the LORD calls a man he lets him pass through some experiences to equip him for the task ahead.

I know it hurts, i have been there many times but be strong, wipe your tears, lift your head up, put up a fake smile and keep moving, sooner than you think you will get there.

All things can fail but God will never forsake those who trust in him. I don't know when it will happen but i believe - THERE IS A GOD, THERE WILL BE AN ANSWER.


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