All belongs to God

Pride is a vice that can destroy even the strongest of men.

A man that thinketh that money can buy everything should know that one day something might come that money can not buy.

When a man who is wealthy or is endowed with an ability higher than others, he tends to feel on top of the world and pride sets in as he expects others to bow down to him.

I read an article which states that a good Muslim who is wealthy understands that the wealth under his control actually belongs to Allah and the human's ownership of wealth is more akin to that of a caretaker. In other words, the human must use wealth only in the manner approved of by the true owner of that wealth, Allah.

Therefore with this notion, no matter how rich the person gets all belongs to God.

According to Pastor Chima of Life Foundation Ministry, said don't say a man is a good Christain yet until such a man is very rich then let's watch how he will act.

Will he still keep coming to Church regularly? Or will complain he is busy. Will he still help his wife in the kitchen?

Now one can say he is a good man because he is active in Church but wait until he has billions in his account then tell me if he will remain good.

In the book of Judges 13 to 16,  we read the story of the Biblical Samson, he was one of the last of the Judges of the ancient Israelites mentioned in the Bible.

According to the biblical account, Samson was given supernatural strength by God in order to combat his enemies and perform heroic feats such as killing a lion, slaying an entire army with only the jawbone of an ass, and destroying a pagan temple. Samson was no doubt a man blessed with great strength.

But this strength made him proud and he did not hid to advice from his parents, forgetting that the strength is not his but belongs to Yahweh.

Samson had two vulnerabilities, however: his attraction to untrustworthy women and his hair, without which he was powerless. These vulnerabilities ultimately let to his down fall.

The greater you are, the humbler you should be, bearing in mind, you owe all to God and not to yourself.

God gives and God can take.

Sometimes the gifts of God work through the talents: Ex 31:3-5 "And I have filled him with the Spirit of God in wisdom, in understanding, in knowledge, and in all {kinds of} craftsmanship, to make artistic designs for work in gold, in silver, and in bronze, and in the cutting of stones for settings, and in the carving of wood, that he may work in all {kinds of} craftsmanship."

But its important to note that a good Christian must have the fruit of the spirit to make good use of his gifts.  The Fruit of the Spirit in Gal 5:22-23: "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law."

Let's stop here and compare God's plan to our weak flesh (human) nature. God wants to give us the gifts in a deliberate sequence. He wants us to receive Wisdom, Knowledge and Faith so as to make good use of our gifts.

God's plan is better. He wants us to enter His Kingdom as little children: with enormous capacity to learn and grow,  as a 12-year-old girl with big feet, I was repeatedly told I would "grow into" the feet. Likewise, God will enable us to "grow into" full operation in His gifts.

A wise parent first instructs the child over time before trusting him or her to act responsibly. Likewise the Holy Spirit seeks to change our hearts, to make us more like our Lord, before entrusting us with great power.

A Pastor(Past. Chima), in one of the Sunday services,  said  he had a conversation with God, where he praised God for success in the just concluded Church programmes held the previous week, his words were: "Father God, Thursday service was great and Friday was awesome", but in response he said God replied, "Son don't be proud that you can prophesy and heal, remember God gives so you can still be used and be dumped. Humility is a virtue".

The must precious thing on earth is your soul. To whom much is given, much is expected.

Proverbs 8:13: The fear of the LORD is to hate evil: pride, and arrogance, and the evil way, and the perverse mouth, do I hate.


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