Is there still anyone left

Today we will talk about those who miracles are yet to happen. This article is set to urge you not to lose hope, God kindness can still locate you.

In 2 Samuel 9, tells us of the story of Mephibosheth son of Jonathan, David asked, “Is there anyone still left of the house of Saul to whom I can show kindness for Jonathan’s sake?”

Mephiboseth was brought before King David, the Bible recorded that he was lame in both feet.

Nevertheless,  David said to him; “Don’t be afraid, for I will surely show you kindness for the sake of your father Jonathan. I will restore to you all the land that belonged to your grandfather Saul, and you will always eat at my table.”

However, Mephiboseth was shocked, he never thought a man like him can dine with the King. Reacting to the news the Bible records that Mephibosheth bowed down and said, “What is your servant, that you should notice a dead dog like me?”

In the New Testament, the Greek word translated “kindness” signifies “goodness in action”.  The kindness of God, therefore, refers to God’s goodness in action.  It is God’s goodness expressed in deeds of kindness towards man.  It is God’s goodness prompted in grace and tenderness and compassion. The very name, “Mephibosheth” means “breathing out shame” but nevertheless the account of King David’s kindness to the man called Mephibosheth in (2 Samuel 9:1-13) is a type or picture of God’s kindness to mankind. 

The degree of the King’s kindness is evident in two ways.  First, it is evident by the one to whom the King showed his kindness.  Mephibosheth was a most unlikely candidate and had nothing in him to merit the kindness of the king. Second, it is evident by the high place to which Mephibosheth was exalted.

It doesn't matter your condition or how low you have fallen, God is always ready to show his kindness to humanity.

Another instance of God's kindness is in the New Testament, we remember the robber who was crucified with Christ. He knew Christ was the LORD and he believed Christ was the only one who can lay down his life and pick it up again. He knew Christ committed no offense unlike the other arm robber who criticized Christ.

More so, the repentant Arm Robber having faith in Christ was enough, though he was not a Church goer, there was no time for confession, baptism or explanations but with the right words, Christ showed him kindness and he was saved.

The other criminal criticized Christ and lost his salvation. In the world we live today, we have people who have made it a career to just be critics,  it is assumed that when hang out with smokers, you are also termed a smoker. When a Church girl speaks to a prostitutes she is also called a  prostitute.

It is assumed that the other unrepentant criminal fell in that category of persons and did not recognized that he was with the Son of the Most High God.

Holiness is a lifestyle not a mode of dressing. Holiness is what is in you.

The  Bible recorded that “The Duration of the King’s Kindness was not for a day, a week, a month, or a year.  It was “always”, it was “continually”, for as long as the King was ruling.  God’s kindness to the sinner, who is saved by the grace of God, is eternal because God’s salvation is eternal.

All this is illustrative of God’s kindness shown towards poor, lost, helpless, hopeless sinners.



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