I Have Chosen The Excellent Path For You

As you find yourself moving along at a slow pace, I want to encourage you not to lose heart.
For though the progress seems slow, know and understand the slow changes are necessary, and the slow changes produce lasting results. For there are many things taking place all at once. There is more than only one item on the agenda here. So trust in the process and trust in my timing, knowing I will not lead you astray.

The slow progress is not something to fear or resent. Though you want to have things now, and desire to have the fulness all at once, know the pace at which I have you is set before you to help you, not hinder you. The pace you find yourself in is suited to you, and will help you over the course of time.

And while it’s uncomfortable at times you’ll see the beauty and excellence of it as you continue to look back over the course of your life and see the way events happened, and lessons were learned.

For there is mercy in the way things are delayed. And there is an excellence allowing for more benefit from things as they are released gradually by process. And while I know you want to see the fulness all at once, trust and know my ways are excellent and will bring you to stability and sustainable growth. And while there are alternatives for you to see, trust I am working patience within you as well.

For my patience goes hand in hand with my gentleness. And while I am growing your patience I am also growing my gentleness within you as well. For they are often two sides of the same coin. And while you may possess one, you will also want to possess the other. And though you may not appreciate one, you will want to appreciate the other. And these two are working together to accomplish the right plans at the right time, so you’ll come out like pure gold in the end.

And when all is done and accomplished, the process will not have seemed so slow after all. And the glory of it all will be revealed, and your eyes will see, and your heart will behold, and you will be astonished and amazed at not only the complexity, but the majesty of the perfect timing of the plans, purposes and processes all coming together.

So trust in me, and trust in my timing, and trust in my processes. For there are ways in which you can go about learning, and doing, and being, but I have chosen the excellent path for you. I have chose the path of greatest reward, and greatest fulfillment for you. I have laid a path before that will make sure you finish strong, finish righteously, and finish completely, not leaving anything undone.

And in this process, you’ll grow in your knowledge and experience of me, and your character will be refined. And when it’s all accomplished, you’ll come out as pure as pure can be. So continue to walk in my paths, and continue to follow my voice, and continue trust in my timing and my processes for you, though it seems slow at times.

And all these things are working together for your good, and will be more fully revealed to you over the due course of time as you continue to follow and obey, and trust and know, and understand and humble yourself. For all these things are for you, so you will walk and enjoy the fullness and the greatness of all I have in store for you.

- Neil Vermillion


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