Humans who had encounter with Angels

Numerous reputable people have spoke of their experiences with angels they either had personally or knew about.
In most cases, the angels appeared to provide help in some distressful situation. However, several of the incidents, including the ones below, are particularly interesting for two reasons: (1) they contain a message (literally, the word "angel" means "messenger") and, (2) the incidents were brought to my personal attention under unusual circumstances, making me think God sent them my way.

Read experiences below;

Encounter 1
In Abuja, Nigeria, a lady who sells food at Wuse market narrated her experience with me of an incident she had, she said her money was stolen by a pickpocket. She was devastated and had to beg people on the street.

According to her, she approached her lady but the lady rained insults on her and refused to give her any cash to board a bus.. She was very sad and was helpless until a very beautiful girl approached her, she told me the girl was so beautiful.

The girl asked her; "Madam what is wrong", she told the girl her money was stolen and the girl handed her some money. The amount the girl handed over to her was more than she needed for the bus fare, so she told the girl that she will pay the fare and hand her over the money left to her. The beautiful girl agreed and told her, she wants to get something across the street but never came back.

Encounter 2
Painting of Jesus (Vivianne)
My dad was terminally ill and he was very aware of the fact that his time on earth would be very short. He accepted this and made peace with God, family and most of all himself. One afternoon when he was alone at home he heard a doorbell.

A very distinguished looking man in a very nice suit greeted him at the door. He held an original oil painting of Jesus. "This is for you to keep. Please accept this." My dad being a very devout Catholic gratefully accepted this. The man did not charge him for the painting. After my dad placed it inside the house he turned around to thank him but when he did the man dissappeared! He never even knew his name or where he came from.

My dad never saw him again and he told me this story before he passed on. He never mentioned it but I believe strongly that he was the Angel of Death who came to bring a message of love and hope to my dad. To this day this painting hangs in my dad's bedroom as a constant reminder that love is eternal.

Every now and then my dad visits me in my dreams. Especially when I'm going through my dark times. I don't always remember what he says but I always can feel his love for me.

Encounter 3
 Loving Angelic Appearance
I've been dealing with a fair amount of pain lately due to flair up of a chronic disorder I was diagnosed with two years ago. I lay across my bed in the afternoon to take a short nap and I heard someone come into my room and say, "She's sleeping". I assumed this person (I felt it was a man, but I didn't open my eyes to see.) was talking on the phone. The next thing I felt was a person gently hold my hand for at least a few minutes then this person leaned down and gently kissed my lips. This was not a romantic kiss, but I felt very, very loved. A feeling of complete love was around me. When I opened my eyes no one was in the room and I was very surprised.

Later during a healing raiki session, I asked God who this angel was. (It just had to be an angel!) The name "Michael" came into my mind and I just ignored it and continued feeling the loving energy during my healing. When we finished with the healing session the instructor stated that she felt the presence of one of her angel healing guides and surprisingly another archangel came too.

This one she said was "archangel Michael"!!!! You can imagine my shock. I know not everyone will believe this, but the experience is real for me and it has opened my eyes to the angelic spirit world that surrounds us everyday.

Encounter 4 
In Atlanta, Georgia area, on I-285 near Spaghetti Junction, a lady passed a hitchhiker on the expressway, giving no thought to stopping. But she heard a voice say, "Pick him up." She did not stop, but continued on. But she again heard the voice: "I told you to pick him up." She now felt compelled to go back. She turned off the expressway, then got back on via an access road. She thought it would be unlikely that the person would still be there, but if he was, she would pick him up. To her surprise, the man was still there, so she stopped. He got into the car. They chatted for a few moments, then after a brief pause, the stranger said, "Do you know the Lord Jesus Christ is coming soon?" On hearing that, the woman glanced toward the stranger -- but he was not there. He had suddenly and unexplainably vanished!

She was so shaken that she had to pull off the expressway. After sitting there a few minutes trying to regain her composure, a policeman pulled up behind her, got out of his car, went up to her window and said, "Ma'am, is there a problem?"

She replied, "Officer, if I told you what just happened to me, you wouldn't believe it."

The policeman urged her to tell him anyhow. She described what had just happened. He responded, "Ma'am, normally I would think that you were one of the craziest people I have ever seen, but you are the seventh person today to give me this same report."

Encounter 5
Angel's on the Cliff: Another person narrates, My grandma, mom and I were driving for Easter Celebration and I needed out of the car to run and play (I was about 6) we stopped at the Columbia Ice fields and decided to go up for a walk. I was running ahead and my mom yelled for me to slow down.  Just as I turned to see where they were I saw my grandma fall and start sliding towards a cliff. My mom caught her but they already had so much momentum they weren’t stopping. We were all screaming at the top of our lungs but there was no one around.  As Grandma and Mom slid toward the edge of the cliff, two men, who could barely speak English, in full climbing gear (that you don’t need for a hike out there)  appeared out of nowhere and grabbed my mom just as she was losing grandma over the edge and lifted grandma like she was a feather. Both were battered and beaten but alive. Just as they got to their feet I went running to them and as fast as they were there, the two men were gone. I know who they were and mom and grandma are pretty sure what happened them.  We will always be grateful to these two men/angels.  Because of them, I didn't lose the only family I had.

Encounter 6
In the Hands of an Angel: When I was 7 yrs. old my 5 yr. old cousin was very sick and my parents would never tell me what was wrong.  Years later I found out he had cancer.  My parents told me after he died not to talk about him.  Everything was so hush, hush and I was devastated and no one would tell me where Chetty went.  Whenever my family went there for visits; he'd always want me to go out and swing with him.

After he died, we went to his house for a visit and I was so lonely, I decided to go outside and swing.  As I sat there remembering how it use to be, Chetty walked up to me and an Angel was holding his hand.  She had beautiful long blonde hair and was dressed in a long white gown.  She never said a word, just smiled, but Chetty looked at me and said "I'm not in pain no more".  He and the angel turned and walked until they simply faded away.

Encounter 7
Consequences of Not Listening: This is another story that has a moral to it.  Always listen to your guardian angel!  One morning as I woke up I heard a voice saying over and over don't get on the boat, don't get on the boat.  So I told my husband about it.  That day we were going boating with a friend who was bringing another friend that we had not met yet with their own boat as well.

My husband and I talked about what I had heard and we made a decision to go met with them on the beach, but not to get on any of the boats that day.  However at the end of the day after not getting on any of the boats, my friend talked me and my husband into getting on the boat for just a ride only.  We gave in and went.

While they were pulling a tuber in a double tube, the new ski rope, snapped.  It snapped because the tuber had fell off the tube and the boat driver who had been drinking continued to drive the boat at over 30 mph even after we repeatedly yelled at him to stop.  The tube submerged and held fast in the water, the ski rope had an estimated 4,000 pounds of pressure place on it and it snapped.  At first everyone thought someone was shooting at us.  It sounded like two gun shots.

The first of the two gun shot sounds were when the rope snapped and the second one, when it hit me in the head.  It knocked me out and cause great bodily injury to me.  I am disabled now due to what happened.  I wish I had listened to my guardian angel.

So everyone out there don't make the mistake that I did.  Listen to your guardian angel.  Even if you feel stupid or foolish, don't give in to other's wishes around you.  Let God lead the way for you through the guidance he gives you through your guardian angels.

It can be recalled that there have been Bibilicial stories of people who had encounter with Angels, examples include, the virgin Mary to announce the birth of Christ. Gabriel's main function in both Old and New Testaments seems to be in connection with announcing the coming of the Son of God to the world.

Angels who appear as humans are not without biblical precedent. For example, two angels came to Sodom to warn Lot before they destroyed the city (Genesis 19). They visited Lot's home, ate with him, and even spent the night! They appeared as such "real people" that Sodom's homosexuals tried to accost them and have sex with them, but the angels struck them blind. The next day, because of its blatant wickedness, God destroyed the city by fire.


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